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Registered User
(7/14/00 6:55:26 am)
A compilation flows through us...
I remember back on the old board (I can't get to it right now, my computer at work is being testy) we were talking about pulling together some kind of compilation/ critique/ collection in response to one by Zipes (?). Anyone remember this? ANyone still interested? I'd love to help!

Unregistered User
(7/14/00 12:53:12 pm)
work in progress

Actually that was me...I impulsively thought it would make a great topic for a Phd which then it would be wonderful to publish. I still think's just that for me right now there is a small ocean between the work I am doing now and that far shore! It will all fit together in the's just I need to get through the MA (either December of March) and finish two novels...oy...

still, who knows...

Registered User
(7/14/00 1:26:55 pm)
Re: work in progress
I immense your oy (sorry, loved Keeping the Faith!)

I can understand completely and I won't take it from you- if you need any help when you do get to it, I'd be more than happy to contribute! (ok, ok, so I love to spout out ideas and words)

I've been looking at getting my MA in Children's Literature at Simmons College, but finances being what they are (zilch) and time being what it is (missing) and brain cells to keep it all together (mush in this heat), I haven't been able to even get around to the entrance exams required! (can you get an MA &/or PhD without paying for it or going to classes? just do what you enjoy doing and poof! honorary degree?)

I've actually been working on pputting together a proposal for an undergraduate program in Children's literature for my old school (Wheelock) to match the grad one at Simmons. Since it's mainly a school for working with Children, I thought there should be more about getting the kids to read and write, cross-curricular, writing newsletters for parents, leaflets for programs, book arts, etc. Just need to organize, fill out the ideas, and find a person to pitch it to! Now if only I could learn to cook more than ramen...

Unregistered User
(7/14/00 7:36:36 pm)
Child Lit and Simmons--off topic

I sympathise with you. I investigated Simmons (even attended one of their summer seminars while still an undergrad in 95, earning two credit hours) as well as the few other schools that offer degrees in Child Lit. It is not an easy subject to study without going into the Education department of most schools. I also kept getting conflicting advice, attended several conferences, presented a paper at one conference, and then chose librarianship which has taken me down some other unexpected roads. (I realized I ended up having some of my favorite conversations with the librarians who were "sneaking" into the conferences.)

The academics in the field are great. I have heard and/or met many of them. The best thing about the conferences is the friendliness. There isn't the fighting like you get at MLA or Shakespeare conferences. Almost everyone likes each other. If you manage to get someone to listen to you, let me know!

I'll always be happy to help with brainstorming for that kind of program. Just let me know what you are thinking about. Even my library degree emphasized Child Lit, although I kept myself one class shy of certification. I don't want to be a media specialist and actually enjoy what I do now.


Registered User
(7/15/00 4:44:06 am)
Re: Child Lit and Simmons--off topic
(I don't think it's highly off topic- children's literature has a great deal to do with fairy tales, folk tales, and mythology, as it seems to be the way many of us are introduced to the tales, though in often adjusted forms)

I understand about the difficulty- graduating with my Bachelor's was tough enough! Wheelock wants its students to be well-rounded (actually, I think it has more to do with job prospects post-grad) and not major in Education, but in the other degrees of study, and concentrate in Ed. Social Work, or Child Life (working with children and families in medical settings). I found it difficult to actually integrate all of my interests in a Child Life degree, and when they told me maybe it wasn't for me, I decided to write about the topics that most concern children who are facing illness, procedures, family members trying to cope, etc. That can be seen in many tales in one shape or another and adjusted. I've even come up with a plot idea for a video using Disney songs (from their fairy tale movies) in a hospital setting. I ended up minoring in Literature, though I didn't get much for me out of them- except for a 7-week, one day a week class in Children's Literature. I thought it could be highly expanded upon in each area we focused on, not just briefly glance over. And the study of where stories originally come from, as we did in my Music for Children class, is something I think many teachers should know about.

Am I preaching and rambling? It's early- some car alarm just woke me. If you'd like, email me and we'll chat more, unless you think this topic belongs here. But I'd love to brainstorm!

Edited by Kerrie at: 7/17/00 2:14:39 pm

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