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Unregistered User
(10/28/00 2:27:01 pm)
Karen has been given a bit of career advice of late and she has been informed that, in order to become a "real" academic as opposed to a "pretend" one, she needs to attend more conferences. So I was wondering if anyone knew of anything which might be suitable- I have to start thinking about it now, so I can try to scam funding.



Registered User
(10/28/00 3:34:37 pm)
I believe the above is the acronym either for the group sponsoring the conference or the conference itself that is coming up in San Francisco: Nature and Animals in Folklore - I could probably get more info for you if you're interested. They're inviting anthropologists, folklorists, storytellers and others.

Registered User
(10/29/00 1:55:25 am)
Is your department the kind that will running screaming at the words "science fiction"? Wiscon is both a writers' convention and academic conference, a feminist gathering for exploring gender issues in science fiction and fantasy -- and branching out into minority and class issues as well. Because so much contemporary myth-and-fairy-tale related fiction is published under the fantasy label in this country, a number of us interested in fairy tales, folklore and feminism attend this convention, and it's a good place to deliver papers or participate in panel discussions on these topics. It's also where the annual James Tiptree Jr. Award (for fiction exploring gender issues) is given out each year. Wiscon takes place at the end of May each year, in Madison, Wisconsin. Midori, Ellen, and I all go, as well as other folks from the Endicott circle (Ellen Kushner, Delia Sherman, Heinz Insu Fenkl. etc.) -- and it sure would be nice to see you there. But would your school consider such a thing legit...?

Cory-Ellen, please tell us more about the conference in San Francisco -- it sounds interesting.

Registered User
(10/29/00 9:42:30 am)
Nature In Legend And Story - that's the name of the organization. Their webpage describes them as "a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, devoted to exploration of relationships between human beings and the natural world, reflected in folklore, literature and other cultural activities."

I couldn't find the e-mail I received about the conference, so I searched the NILAS H-Net listserve (H-NILAS) for information, and I found this:

Nature in Legend and Story (NILAS)
announces its first national meeting
jointly held with the
International Society of Anthrozoology
and the
International Society of Applied Ethology
at the
University of California, Davis
August 1-2, 2001

What are animals to us, or we to them? How do we humans make sense of them in
our legends, bestiaries, natural histories, fables, proverbs, books (for
children and adults), games, tales, poems, art ? What do we have to learn
about ourselves from such lore and literature? And what do the animals have
to teach us?

NILAS is a society, an organization of scholars, storytellers, and interested
amateurs united by a shared fascination with such questions. And just as we
take animals seriously as the subjects of stories, we also take them
seriously as live subjects facing us across a categorical but permeable

Animals in Folklore and Literature
For our first national meeting next summer in Davis, California, our subject
will be Animals in Folklore and Literature, as we meet jointly with the
International Society of Anthrozoology and the International Society for
Applied Ethology. We invite paper proposals for individual presentations,
for a session of storytelling, and proposals for readings by poets or nature
writers. We especially invite abstracts for work in progress (essays,
dissertations, performances) for a colloquium at which those attending can
comment upon the work of others and hear suggestions about their own. We cast
our net widely, hoping to gather a mix of storytellers, poets, writers,
academics, and other teachers as well as interpretive naturalists and guides.

December 1, 2000. We solicit your immediate interest. If this will be part of
your plans, please notify David Wilson at the address below, or at: Your immediate response will govern our program.
Thank you!

January 31, 2001, abstract deadline: The deadline for submission of abstracts
and proposals will be January 31, 2001. A five hundred word abstract or
proposal, including title and need(s) for AV support should be sent to David
S. Wilson, American Studies, retired, University of California, Davis, One
Shields Ave, Davis, California 95616, Attention: NILAS Conference; or emailed
to him at:

See Homepages: and

Unregistered User
(10/29/00 1:45:46 pm)
Thanks Terri and Cory-Ellen! Happily, the department I'm in has no such prejudices against science fiction and fantasy. My only real logistical problem is living in Australia. It's not realistic for me to fly over to the US any more than once a year- so, if I do go, I have to be calculating in the time I choose- hopefully when a few things are on. I'd *love* to go to Wiscon but I'm not sure I'll be able to afford to in May. I've been toying with the idea of doing an exchange for 6 months or so, but I'm not sure yet... More thought needed.
A good site for information about conferences and journals, if you don't know about it already, is the Upenn call for papers (go to and follow the links).
Thanks again!


Registered User
(10/29/00 7:29:12 pm)
Conferences in Oz
Karen - where in Oz are you? I lived in Canberra when I was a kid, and more recently spent 6 months doing research in Alice Springs . . . I'm homesick now! But on the more relevant side of things, I believe the Australian Storytelling Guild (ASG) has notices of festivals and maybe conferences too on their website:

I used to know a man at the University of South Australia who would know this sort of thing, but unfortunately I'm blanking completely on his last name. I'm hoping it will come back to me - if it does, I'll let you know. The ASG website also used to (perhaps still does) have a board on which you could post this sort of query - if you asked for conference info on there, I reckon someone would know something useful.

Unregistered User
(10/30/00 1:05:22 am)
Distress call
Oooh, an expat? Kinda? I'm in Sydney- born here, raised here and will no doubt die here- how glum! :P I haven't been to Alice Springs actually, but, like all Australian school children, I was obliged to make the prerequisite pilgrimages to Canberra!
Thankyou for the link- I will check it out shortly. I am now very seriously considering the idea of going to the US on exchange in the second half of 2001. My only problem is that I need to find someone at a university over there who will agree to be my temporary supervisor- by Friday! Argh! So if anyone can help or knows someone who can help and would like a little eternal gratitude....

Karen (off to write some hurried letters).

Registered User
(10/30/00 1:19:34 am)
Animal tales....
The NISA conference sounds fabulous...boy, is that right up my alley. Unfortunately, it's the wrong time of year for me; I'd have to come all the way back from England. Oh my, it's tempting all the same. I'm going to at least write and find out more about it. Thanks for the info, Cory-Ellen.

Karen: Wiscon is an annual event, so maybe one year you'll be over here in the States at the right time. Fingers crossed.

Registered User
(10/30/00 5:07:06 pm)
Ozzie galz
Actually I only lived there for a year as a child too, not born there. Did attend Majura Primary School though, which harrowing experience in metric math crises ought to qualify anyone for citizenship.

What is your academic field, exactly? I might have some uni references . . .

(I went through the same thing when working out my research in Alice, you have all my sympathy).

Unregistered User
(10/31/00 6:25:56 pm)
metrics and assorted nightmares
But metrics are so DAMN logical- all those nice round numbers! A year in Canberra? Did you get to travel around the country a little?
Yes, the nightmares continue because no one is being as helpful as I foolishly hoped. IT's now Wednesday and I have to hand in the form on Friday. Joy. :P
Any uni references would be VASTLY appreciated. I'm in an english department, so I think it has to be someone who is also from an english department. MY broad area is, of course, fairy and folk tales, nineteenth and twentieth century adaptations/permutations in particular, from an unabashadly femininst perspective.

Thanks once again,


Unregistered User
(10/31/00 6:31:18 pm)
I just realised that you probably don't know my email address:


Many thanks,


Unregistered User
(11/9/00 8:59:47 pm)
ISFNR Congress
The Congress of the ISFNR ( International Society for Folk Narrative Research) takes place 16-20 July 2001 in Melbourne. See: <>

Registered User
(11/10/00 6:11:47 am)
I would recommend the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, held annually in March in Florida.
Their web page information is at

The attendee/participant list is a who's who of fantasy writers, editors, publishers. John Crowley is their GoH this year. Jack Zipes is listed among the attendees, as are numerous other well-known authors. Unlike most sf conventions, the ICFA is academic. The call for papers is already out. I'll be there, and I believe Terri's co-editor on the "Best Fantasy & Horror" collection, Ellen Datlow, usually attends.


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