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Registered User
(4/8/01 5:26:03 pm)
Questions on Fairy Tales
I'm doing a research paper on fairy tales, their history and orgins. I am required for my research to do an interveiw with an expert on the topic of fairy tales. I am having a difficult time locating someone to interview, and was wondering if any of you might consider answering a few questions. You dont have to answer them all, as many as you can would be great.Thank you so much if you can help me in any way.
The questions are...
1) Where did the idea of fairy tales come from?
2) What Is the first fairy tale recorded and who wrote it?
3) What was the purposes of fairy tales when they first started getting written?
4) Were fairy tales always like they were now, magical and unbelievable.
5) What do you know about the fairy tale Cinderella and how is has changed throughout history?
6) Is there any other fairy tales you feel have a strong history and I should include in my paper?
7) In you opinion, how do you think fairy tales effect us and our behaviors?
Were fairy tales originally made for children like they are today?
9) Overall how do you think fairy tales have changed throughout history?
10) Is there anything else you want to add?

Registered User
(4/9/01 7:09:00 am)
Re: Questions on Fairy Tales

Did you come up with these questions, or were they given to you? If they are your own, then I think you might want to do some more reading on the subject before you formulate your interview questions. You need to know some basics about the subject before you'll know what questions to ask. Right now your questions are too broad. For instance, no one can possible know where the idea of fairy tales came from, since magical tales have been told since the dawn of time. As you read about the history fairy tales, you'll quickly discover that we have no way of knowing for certain which tale was written down first. I suggest you read these two books about the history of fairy tales, and then ask your interview questions once you know some of the basics of the subject:

Touch Magic: Fantasy, Faerie and Folklore in the Literature of Childhood by Jane Yolen is a very easily readable book that will give you a lot of good fairy tale and folk tale history.

From the Beast to the Blonde: On Fairy Tales and Their Tellers by Marina Warner is a meatier book on the subject, more academic in tone but still quite enjoyable. If this is an important paper rather than a quick assignment, then you should definitely read this one too.

There are some short articles on fairy tales posted on the Endicott Studio site that have some of the information you need. There's one on Cinderella (; one on Snow White (; one on Sleeping Beauty (, and one on Women in Fairy Tales that has some general fairy tale history (

Hope this helps.

Registered User
(4/9/01 7:23:03 am)
Also recommend
If you're pressed for time, you might want to read Jack Zipes' "When Dreams Come True" first. It's a collection of introductions he's contributed to other books, and it covers the history of fairy tales from a general article, to one on French fairy tale tradition to the Arabian Nights, Oscar Wilde, etc. A good overview if you need to come up to speed quickly.
Terri's recommendations are great, and you should read those, too; but I think the Zipes will give you a familiarity that might help there as well (certainly with the Warner).


Registered User
(4/10/01 6:10:52 am)
Re: Also recommend
Greg, you're right. The Zipes book is a good place to start.

Registered User
(4/10/01 6:49:37 am)
Thanks! Those books sound great. Ill do my best to get ahold of them.

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