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Registered User
(12/29/01 4:08:48 pm)
I need help
I need some help, if you please.

If this has been a thread before, perhaps Heidi can direct me to the archives, otherwise..

If you were compiling a list of women who have influenced the field, who have contributed beyond measure to the understanding of, the furtherance of and/or the body of works that we call fairy tales, who would you choose? Does that sentence make sense? I'm a bit foggy-headed from a nap. I am creating such a list for a web project, gathering names, and realize that a truly extensive list would go on for miles, so I suppose what I'm looking for are essentials. I have a bunch already, but I wanted to see who any of you would choose, in case I have overlooked someone important. I am looking for those who write fairy tales from any time period and those who research them. There are only two requirements, they must be female and they must have some kind of internet presence. I'll take care of that last bit.

thanks ever so much,


Unregistered User
(12/30/01 4:08:46 am)
women and fairytales
Well, I had a long list until the internet requirement.

So I know of Terri Windling, Heidi Heimer, Midori Snyder as starters.

Also me, Ellen Kushner.

If Maria Tater or Tanith Lee or Marina Warner or Emma Donoghue have internet accts. . .

Unregistered User
(12/30/01 7:49:07 am)
Emma Donoghue
There was a lovely interview recently on NPR with Emma Donoghue about "Slammerkin". You could easily pick it up on NPR's website and hear the whole thing.

Registered User
(12/30/01 8:01:17 am)
Re: Emma Donoghue
Don't forget Angela Carter. There are probably tribute sites for her.

Registered User
(12/30/01 10:53:21 am)
Re: Emma Donoghue
Tanith Lee and Marina Warner both have web-sites (respectively, and Lee's frequently gives fascinating tidbits about her upcoming work - as well as a swift rush of klung when you read about the things that she's written but can't get published, and Warner's seems to be just a front-page at the time being. There's a good site on Caroline de la Motte Fouquet out there, but it's in German ... perhaps it could be run through a translator?

Heidi Anne Heiner
(12/30/01 1:10:21 pm)
Re: Emma Donoghue
For web presence, Kay Vandergrift's site on Snow White is one of the oldest and best. It's available at:

Registered User
(12/30/01 9:21:07 pm)
the list
At the risk of far too long of a post, here is the list I have so far. All but Ruth Bottigheimer I can find information about online.

Arnim, Bettina von
Atwood, Margaret
Bacchilega, Cristina
Bernheimer, Kate
Blackwell, Jeannine
Bottigheimer, Ruth
Byatt, Antonia Susan
Carter, Angela
d'Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine le Jumel de Barneville, Baronne
Donoghue, Emma
Hannon, Patricia
Heiner, Heidi Anne
Lee, Tanith
Naubert, Benedikte
Radford, Dollie
Salmonson, Jessica
Sexton, Anne
Snyder, Midori
Tatar, Maria
Warner, Marina
Windling, Terri
Vandergrift, Kay
Yolen, Jane
Harries, Elizabeth Wanning
Stone, Kay

This should give everyone an idea of where I'm heading with this. I would like to get as many women listed as possible, and in fact I am thinking of making it very extensive and giving up the internet requirement. Each person gets a tiny blurb and a link to their site or information about their works relating to fairy tales on the web.

Who am I forgetting? Who were you thinking of, Jane?

Thank you all for your help!


Heidi Anne Heiner
(12/30/01 11:01:13 pm)
Re: the list
There's also the illustrators such as:

Jessie Willcox Smith
Adrienne Segur
Eleanor Vere Boyle
Trina Schart Hyman
Marcia Brown
Ruth Sanderson
Lois Lenski

And that is just off the top of my head. There are plenty more!

Also, Adele Geras has written many picture books and modern interpretations of fairy tales.


Unregistered User
(12/31/01 4:59:15 am)
Ah--I was thinking web presence, as in "they are alive and can be talked to" so was leaving out the French Mdmes, and Angela Carter, etc.


Registered User
(12/31/01 5:32:37 am)
Re: Dead/alive
Don't forget Alison Lurie, Nancy Canepa, and Marie-Louise von Franz. Also Gail de Vos and Anna E. Altmann (editors of New Tales for Old: Folktales as Literary Fictions for Young Adults).

Registered User
(12/31/01 5:42:03 am)
Re: Dead/alive
Off the top of my head...other fiction writers who have worked extensively with fairy tales: Patricia McKillip, Delia Sherman, Robin McKinley, Donna Jo Napoli, Nalo Hopkinson; poets: Olga Broumas, Gwen Strauss, Carol Ann Duffy, Liz Locchead, Lisel Mueller

Illustrators: Adrienne Segur, Lizbeth Zwerger
Artists in the past: Margaret and Frances Macdonald, Jessie M. King

Unregistered User
(12/31/01 10:30:29 am)
Re: the list
Don't forget Katharine Briggs....and perhaps, Iona Opie.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(12/31/01 11:28:55 am)
Re: the list
Jan Brett
Betsy Hearne
Vivian Vande Velde
P. L. Travers
Gail Carson Levine

Edited by: Heidi Anne Heiner at: 12/31/01 11:31:21 am
Registered User
(12/31/01 10:43:23 pm)
Re: the list
Thank you all!

I really have my work cut out for me, but I'm doing this because when I began branching out in my fairy tale readings there was so much I didn't know, so many names that I had never heard of, and while the research was fun, I would have loved to be able to find a list such as the one I am creating for easy reference. I am going to stick with the writers for now, and then if I retain a shred of my sanity I will move on to the illustrators. The idea now is to list the names along with a link, where possible, to information on the web, and to include a very small blurb about each woman as well.

I will ask for help with that part also, but first I am going to code what I have and get it online, and then I will return with more questions. In the meantime, keep adding to the list, if you please!


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