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Registered User
(11/8/01 8:02:51 am)
Missing in action...
Karen, Jenna, Midori, Cory-Ellen, are you all still out there?

Unregistered User
(11/8/01 4:26:55 pm)
waiting for R&R
I've been trying to keep up as more than a lurker...aish..I did spill my beans on my badit habits and goofy fairy name...and you'll never know how it hard was not to call you Buttercup!

I'll be catching abreak soon and then should be back on line more regularly.

Unregistered User
(11/14/01 8:03:26 am)
Apologies for...
my absence. I;ve been travelling- in the US. Well, actually I've been mostly sitting around in Buffalo eating hot fudge brownie sundaes.... But I am finally back in Montreal for the week, connected once more- and not long before my plane home now.

I wanted to congratulate Kate on her book- I checked out the publishers website and I am truly intrigued. I will see if I can pick up a copy here or when I go to Boston and read it on the interminable flight home.


Registered User
(11/14/01 3:06:59 pm)
OT- Boston...
I just want to extend an invite to anyone from the board who visits Boston: I will gladly meet with anyone for lunch or coffee or dinner if you visit. I work in Boston and live just outside the city. Dim sum in Chinatown anyone? (I can't promise the most glorified of excursions, but I know how to get to almost anywhere.)

Forest frosts,


Unregistered User
(11/16/01 8:27:37 am)

Alas I will be in Boston briefly (a whirlwind tour with my sister, who is Kerry with a "y"), but it would be lovely to have dinner or cake. Let me know if this suits:

Unregistered User
(11/19/01 6:48:57 pm)
Re: Cory-Ellen
Is it possible she is still working day and night to help with the WTC aftermath. I understand it is still smoldering and there is much work to be done. It is true I haven't seen her name on this much since then. If so, thanks again Cory-Ellen; you are in our thoughts.


Registered User
(11/19/01 9:29:37 pm)
Hi, I'm sorry I disappeared. My MFA program is eating my life, plus I got a contract for my book, so now I'm desperately trying to finish that. And I'm deluged with submissions for the fairy tale poetry anthology I'm working on - though I'd love some more, if any of you feel like contributing!

Jess: haven't been at the WTC since the 14th of September - they didn't want volunteer EMS anymore.

Drowning, but happy (when I remember to breathe),


Registered User
(11/20/01 4:45:13 am)
Book contract?!? :):):)
Dear Cory-Ellen:
Congratulations on the book contract, and on everything else! I know exactly how you feel; I'm too tired to feel much of anything right now, but when I make a conscious effort, I realize that I'm fairly gleeful over all. So, is there a publication date scheduled? Tell us more, please?


Unregistered User
(11/20/01 9:39:30 am)
More Congratulations

I always am happy to hear that people are happy and busy - a good combination. Oh, and a big CONGRATULATIONS on the contract! I am with Helen - more info, PLEASE! That is when you get a breather.


Registered User
(11/20/01 12:10:36 pm)
Hi Cory-Ellen,

Glad you're back. I came out of hiding while you were away, so you won't recognize me, but I know you by your previous posts. <g>

I have some stuff that I'd like to contribute to the anthology, if you don't mind. How would I do that?


Unregistered User
(11/20/01 12:59:40 pm)

Hello once more and congratulations on the contract!

I wanted to ask if you sent me an email. THere was something from a CN this morning and I accidentally deleted it with all the spam before I realised that it might be you. Sorry if that was the case!


Heidi Anne Heiner
(11/21/01 12:04:02 am)
Re: hello

What is the deadline for submissions again? I still have the submission page up on my site and lost your e-mail with the new date and address when I updated it to January 15 on a whim. Or have you even received anything through the SurLaLune anyway?


Registered User
(11/21/01 7:04:58 pm)
Hi hi all,

Thank you for all the congratulations! The tentative release date for the book is fall of '03. It's really strange to write that - I'm still kind of in shock.

The anthology submission date has been extended to January 15, and yes, I've received submissions through the SurLaLune site, thank you Heidi :-) I'm taking submissions via e-mail, so you can e-mail if you'd like to send me something.

Karen - I did e-mail you, but I'll try it again. Don't delete me! :-)


Registered User
(12/3/01 5:56:38 pm)
Kavita, are you out there? Could you send me an email so I can send you your contributor copy of Indelible and proper thanks?!

Forest frosts,


Unregistered User
(12/4/01 6:55:44 am)

Congratulations on the book! You must be very excited.

Can you tell me anything about the book--details as to title or publisher or, at the very least, content and such? I am pitching reviews for the coming year all over the place, making my schedule. I know your book isn't due out until 2003, but believe it or not, people do pitch over a year in advance. (Though final editorial decisions aren't made until closer, I try to stake my claim with publications on certain titles!)

Anyone else who knows of forthcoming books, also, please, post information on this site so those of us who review titles can pitch to appropriate venues . . .


Registered User
(12/4/01 11:14:00 am)
Eeek, Kate, you said the R-word. The book's not even done yet and I'm already having nightmares about Reviews.

It's called The Shadow-Catcher, and I guess I'd sum it up as a fairy-tale about a young girl who sets out to rescue her runaway shadow. It's being published by Little, Brown & Co.

Hope that helps - be nice to me! I'm breakable! :-)


Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(12/4/01 11:44:45 am)
books forthcoming
Corey-Ellen -
I know exactly how you feel! A former editor offered to review my book and I've had nightmares about her hating it. But I keep remind myself of something Margeret Atwood, I believe, once wrote - it's better to be reviewed than not to be reviewed.

Kate - don't know if you're interested as my book is a fantasy novel, not a fairy tale retelling, but in case you are interested - my book, as yet untitled but soon to be titled if my brain will only start to function more effectively, is a fantasy intended for children in the middle grades. To entice you - it has a girl's journey of self-discovery, a breaking friendship, warrior women, healers, and a cold, bleak, magic-filled setting. It's due out from Clarion Books, Spring 2003, probably April or March.

Shameless self-promoting now at an end. Laura Mc

Unregistered User
(12/4/01 1:00:44 pm)
Please, keep posting titles, descriptions. Both books sound really interesting to me! I've put them on my 'pitch list.'

By the way, I have a policy of not reviewing books I don't like. However, if I don't review your books it is not necessarily because I don't like them: review space is just so scarce these days and review editors have their mysterious ways of filling it . . .

I do agree that the anxiety of being reviewed is definitely better than the anxiety of not being reviewed. My novel has been reviewed only here and there, and I am simply aching for a bit more notice, just a tiny bit, just, you know, someone? Please say something? (Not shamelessly self-promoting here, but offering my complete identification with the entire process of publishing, here . . . )

I can't wait to read both books! Congratulations, both of you.

Maybe we should start a string called simply "Forthcoming Books, 2002" for the purpose of potential reviews . . .?

Unregistered User
(12/4/01 3:33:42 pm)
Cory Ellen,

I forgot to add that I recently wrote a short tale about a girl whose invisible friend runs away from her that you might like--not that it's the same as your novel, at all, but if you want to read it let me know. I can attach it to an email!


Registered User
(12/4/01 3:43:52 pm)
Kate, I just posted my review on Amazon, which might take them a milenium to post (probably a week). I'mm also pass it on to M. Pepper for her site. I'd love to send it on to any publications you may recommend, or your publisher. Let me know.

Forest frosts,


Registered User
(12/4/01 5:05:08 pm)
la and kvetch

I'd love to read it :-)

I'm currently being annoyed because my the director of Fiction in my MFA program said recently that I could double-major in fiction (I was originally just in the poetry program), and now seems like she might be backing down. She was all impressed when she heard a couple of weeks ago that I had a contract for my novel, then told me today that because I'm currently writing YA fantasy (you know, rather than "real" fiction), I'd be waitlisted for the fiction workshop, rather than let right in.

I know this is a kvetch we've all had and heard before, but grrrr.


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