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Heidi Anne Heiner
(11/10/01 9:56:25 am)
Meditations on Middle Earth
My library just received the new book, "Meditations on Middle Earth." Surprise, surprise, the last essay is by our own Terri Windling! Needless to say what was last came first in my reading this morning and I just wanted to say I enjoyed it much.

Terri, I felt an even greater moment of sympathy when you write:

"But even then, in the years before I quite understood what feminism was, I saw that there was no place for me, a girl, on Frodo's quest. Tolkien woke a longing in me...and then it was to other books I turned."

That is/was me, too. I am finally starting to reread the Ring books with hopefully a mind that can embrace the books more than I did in my first youth when my hunger for female characters was insatiable. But my favorite piece by Tolkien has always been his "On Fairy Stories." I doubt that will change.

One of my good friends is reading the books for the first time and keeps calling to read me passages. During a rough time in her life, Tolkien is speaking loudly to her through Frodo and company. She is listening with glee and deep personal insight. I wonder what my experience will be.

Everyone else, this collection of essays is quite diverse and interesting. Terri's is both instructional and ultimately personal. So are some of the others I have read although I haven't finished the book yet. Esther M. Friesner's essay, "If You Give a Girl a Hobbit" is particularly fun.


Registered User
(11/11/01 5:40:03 am)
Re: Meditations on Middle Earth
Heidi, glad to hear you like the essay. Not so glad to hear that the book is out, considering I haven't had a contract or payment on the piece yet....Sheesh.

Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(11/11/01 9:31:16 am)
Middle earth movie
        I've found it interesting that my visual readings of the admittedly quick cuts from the LoTR movie trailers have shown Eowyn (Liv Tyler) to have a much more prominent role in the story. She appears to be at the ford before Rivendale facing the Black Riders and in several other non book scenes as well. Usually I get incensed over book to movie changes but in this case I just might like it. The women in LoTR are so dreadfully underplayed and under used.
        And I have to also admit that on seeing that last trailer with it's new and added scenes (The fight at the Ford, Moiria, Gandalf facing the Balrog, etc) that I actually teared up. Will this be, at long last a fantasy movie that needs no aplogies?

Heidi Anne Heiner
(11/11/01 1:19:01 pm)
Re: Middle earth movie
I have appreciated the comments from the director and other people in the film about increasing the role of the women. Granted, there are few female roles, but the ones that exist are expanded with apologies to Tolkien. I, the purist in most cases, find myself not minding at all. Liv Tyler is certainly high profile with the "Make Reading a Hobbit" line of products/book promotions from American Library Association. The bookmarks with her picture were especially a hit with the girls at my local middle school. The boys were less interested in Elijah Woods as Frodo. The official movie book also arrived at the library and the characters are certainly going to be interesting.

I can't wait to see the movie, but then again, I have had my opening movie tickets to Harry Potter for a week already, too. I am happy that fantasy has reached another peak at the cinema, perhaps one of its best peaks ever, especially during a time when I need it more than usual.


Registered User
(11/11/01 2:37:15 pm)
Re: Middle earth movie
Charles said:
And I have to also admit that on seeing that last trailer with it's new and added scenes (The fight at the Ford, Moiria, Gandalf facing the Balrog, etc) that I actually teared up. Will this be, at long last a fantasy movie that needs no aplogies?

I have to admit to having the exact same reaction. *sniffle* From all accounts (there was an article on LotR in this week's Entertainment Weekly) it is amazingly well conceived and executed. Purist notwithstanding, Liv Tyler looks terrifically elvish and like a very strong female character. I am so very much looking forward to this coming out.

(While the trailer for the new Star Wars, which they are playing before Monsters, Inc (VERY fun movie), left me rather cold. Will it be hoping too much for this one to have a story line?)


Registered User
(11/12/01 5:25:32 am)
Re: Middle earth movie
Charles, what I found most astonishing about the trailer was the feeling that I was walking through Alan's mind...

(Alan Lee, the designer of the film, is a friend of ours. When he's not being The Lord of the Lord of the Rings, as I hear he's call on the set these days, he lives in my wee village in England. His equally talented daughter Virginia has done some of the sculpting on the film -- statues, etc. From what I've seen via their photos of the set, every tiny little detail has been carefully designed and thought out. Whatever the script and acting is like, the *look* of this film is amazing.)

Speaking of brilliant fantasy media, did anyone here catch the Buffy Musical? Okay, the singing abilities of the cast were all over the map, but the writing was astonishing.

Edited by: Terri at: 11/12/01 5:26:57 am
Registered User
(11/12/01 6:25:18 am)
Get your kumba-ya-yas out...
Yup - caught the Buffy musical. I didn't know what to expect, but once again it didn't fail to please! The writing IS clever and I saw shades of several fairy tales and legends lurking there. Perhaps I'm biased, but this is one show where the quality doesn't seem to drop off after a few seasons.

Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(11/12/01 7:17:45 am)
Hooray for Alan
        Terri, I couldn't agree with you more.
        I was browsing through a bookstore over the weekend and came across a "MAKING OF..." the LoTR's movie book which featured a coupla cute photos of our lad and many quotes.
        I hope Alan will be getting all the recognition he so richly deserves. At least all this pre-movie activity seems to have worked wonders on his back list and most of the books with his work have resurfaced. All the Tolkien books of course but also his magnificent edition of THE MABINOGIAN is currently back in print. And everyone on this board should own a copy of that book!!
        Maybe at long last he can actually do that book of watercolors of Dartmore and the river Dart.

Unregistered User
(11/12/01 2:44:31 pm)
Singing Buffy/tolkien in my backpack

Do you know anyone (I know that is) who taped that episode? I was stuck in parent teacher conferences, Taiko was out...and none of us caught it much to our frustration!! I'd love to see it.
(maybe WISCON?)

I read Tolkien first at 14, living in Tanzania, which was exotic in its own way and felt like I had fallen into a rich place. I reread climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, sitting in camp reading it and feeling every inch of the tale in my footsore feet and the complete majesty of the mountain over my shoulder. I never missed the girl's parts...I never thought of it, only because I was so lucky to be doing what I was doing at the time. But when asked, I always answer that it was at that moment I knew I wanted to be a writer. Tolkien, Kilimanjaro...the adventure incarnate...the word and the flesh together.

I am so looking forward to seeing the film...Alan's images, the story realized visually, but I also think too, because I hope to reglimpse that moment as a teenager.

Unregistered User
(11/12/01 2:46:58 pm)
I didn't know Alan was the Lord of the LOTR. Wow! Did this come about because of his doing the books a few years ago?

Now I really can't wait to see it.


Registered User
(11/12/01 4:30:05 pm)
Re: Singing Buffy/tolkien in my backpack

They will be reairing the episode this Friday due to heavy solar flare interference. Many songs were cut into in some areas, and I guess many complained.

I've been pushing Alan's name around at work, insisting anyone I know who orders Tolkein with their holiday bonus book offer that it have his illustrations. They are amazing! I'm so excited! I've even been walking around since early summer hanging a chain with little rings from my belt loop (when I have a belt loop), trying to start a fad. It doesn't seem to be working. Does anyone know where the premier will be? ::fingers crossed that it's in Boston::

Forest frosts,


Registered User
(11/12/01 7:01:48 pm)
Re: Singing Buffy/tolkien in my backpack

I taped Buffy. I can probably get you a copy if you would like. (I have a local Buffy fanatic at my disposal - she tapes EVERYTHING digitally and can make good copies). Let me know.

From what I understand, the Friday re-showing will be edited down to an hour - rather than the hour + of the original playing. Seeing the cut version would not be as fun...

I loved it. Is there anything Joss Whedon can't do?


Unregistered User
(11/13/01 7:22:56 am)
Tolkien and tapes
Jane: Yes, it was Alan's work illustrating Tolkien that led to his invitation to design the movie. (He's the lead designer for all the sets, everything but the costumes.) Remember, though, that he's got a background in film design. He's worked on Legend, Erik the Viking, that dreadful Merlin t.v. film, and others.

Charles: He does indeed intend to do his River Dart project when the Tolkien films are finally done, and he's also been doing some of his own writing lately, with a mythic book project in mind. He'll have earned enough from his work on the films to buy him time to do what he wants for awhile -- for which all the world should be grateful. It will be wonderful to see what emerges from his studio in the years to come. However, he thinks now that the work on the Tolkien films might keep him down in New Zealand for at least another year, possibly two. (He's been there for 3 already, and we only get to see him home in the breaks--when the poor man is very, very *tired*.) When he was home in August, he told us that they were actually *still* doing filming (some pick up shots) for the 1st film that's being released this winter; and then they still have 2 films to go.

Midori: I agree with Tara, you need to see the full, uncut version of Buffy the Musical. If Tara can't get you a copy, I might be able to get you one from Will Shetterly and Emma Bull, who have been my source for Buffy tapes lately.

Tara: I'm beginning to think there's nothing Joss Whedon can't do. If the man wasn't married, I'd probably propose. <g> But aside from the musical episode, he hasn't been much involved in Buffy this season -- he's more-or-less turned it over to his associate Marti Noxon while he spreads himself thin on other projects (an animated Buffy, a show for Giles in England, script work for movies), and alas, it shows. This season just doesn't have that Whedon magic.

Registered User
(11/14/01 12:47:14 am)
Re: Buffy and tapes
Midori, I *can* get you a copy of the full musical. Let me know if you want one.

Terri - Yes, on Joss... (Such creativity is VERY appealing :-) Did you know that Marti Noxon is the one who sings the parking ticket song? And show writer, David Fury, is the "mustard man"... My 9 year old daughter has been singing about bunnies and carrots for a week now.

On the Tolkien topic, I thumbed through the *official movie guide* at the book store today - lots of pictures of the sets and characters (with Alan Lee wandering about). The sets look breathtaking. How amazing to see one's two-dimensional vision translated that way.

And one last FYI - my web site is ALMOST finished. Well, it's almost viewable. Will take a little bit to finalize all the details - but I will send a URL as soon as all the links to the full-sized pics are linked up. This has taken an amazingly long time to do! (too many other *real* (i.e. - paying) projects in the interim...)


Unregistered User
(11/14/01 5:58:16 am)
"I want the fire back..."
Tara: I may have to take my criticism back. If last night's show wasn't a fluke, this season may be getting interesting. The ending certainly had the feel of the earlier shows...who *was* that amazing young woman singing at the Bronze? And yes, I had heard that Noxon and Fury were the parking ticket lady and mustard man, respectively. That took guts!

-- Terri
(with apologies to the non-Buffy-fans for diverting this topic from Tolkien)

Unregistered User
(11/14/01 8:10:26 am)
One last Buffy question--was that B&S kissing at the end? Or was he kissing someone else? I couldn't tell.


Registered User
(11/14/01 8:35:16 am)
Re: Help (OT - Buffycentric)
Jane - yes, oh yes - that was B&S at the end... (Looks like they will discuss it in more detail next week from the previews). Will be interesting to see how this season shakes out.

Terri- don't know who the singer was. I wish they'd credit them like they do after "Roswell".... btw- did you catch the last hearable line from M. Noxon's parking ticket song?... :-)


Unregistered User
(11/14/01 9:28:29 am)
Alan Lee
I'm so excited and relieved to find out that Alan Lee is working on the LOTR film. When I saw the illustrations he did, they just took my breath away -- his vision of Middle Earth is so lush and perfect. I'm another one who got misty when I first saw the trailers! (All the while thinking "Oh please, oh PLEASE don't screw this up!!")

And BTW...Buffy? and Spike? kissing? Man, I wish I had cable...

Registered User
(11/15/01 7:39:00 am)
okay, another Buffy message...
Robin, a friend of mine here in Tucson writes a weekly column about Buffy for a media web site, which is one way to keep up with the shows when you can't see them: This site also has a lending library of Buffy tapes. I've never used it so I don't know how it works, but I bet you can get tapes of this season from them. The Spike-Buffy thing is definitely getting interesting.

So Tara, what *was* the last line of the parking ticket song?

Registered User
(11/15/01 9:00:52 am)
Re: okay, another Buffy message...
Terri, et al.,

And if you are a fan about the whole Spike-redemption aspect, there is a slightly rabid site:
that is dedicated to that (and the Buffy-Spike thing)

The last couple of lines of the parking ticket song that you can hear under the dialog (I'm hoping there is more on the soundtrack :-) :

I think I've paid more than my share,
I'm just a poor girl, don't you care?
And I'm not wearing underwear....

It would have been fun to see Marti doing this with a straight face. ;-)


Unregistered User
(11/15/01 1:46:42 pm)
Terri, you are indeed generous to a poor, Buffy-deprived soul! Many thanks.

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