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Registered User
(10/19/01 12:05:23 am)
Value of Grimm's Fairy Tales on Children
Hi, i'm thinking about writing a paper on this subject and was wondering if anyone had any ideas or suggestions on this topic. Thanks sooooooo much!

Unregistered User
(10/19/01 3:15:18 am)
Reading List
You should be reading some of the following:
Bruno Betleheim, The Uses of Enchantment
Jane Yolen Touch Magic
Jack Zipes (almost anything)

Claudia Carlson
Unregistered User
(10/19/01 7:29:31 am)
check out: Grimms' Bad Girls and Bold Boys by Bottigheimer
the full title is:

Grimms' Bad Girls and Bold Boys: The Moral and Sicial Vision of the Tales, Ruth B. Botttigheimer, Yale U. Press, 1987.

A well researched book!

Unregistered User
(10/24/01 8:20:43 pm)
I would be really curious to understand more of what you intend to research. What precisely do you mean by "value." My own 8 year old son has spent many an afternoon reading and rereading Grimm's tales. I have not noticed any immediate "moral" response to these stories, but what I have found is that it has helped him with literary references (which incidentally can be found everywhere). So one must be careful about what values you are talking about.

Interestingly, he says that he liked to read some of the stories (the one about the brave tailor for instance) because they were funny. I think the stories helped him to understand how to impower himself.

Love to chat more about this.


Registered User
(11/4/01 10:43:48 am)
Re: Value of Grimm's Fairy Tales on Children
I highly recommend you speak with a Waldorf Kindergarten teacher near you. They take fairy tales very seriously there, with good reason.

Registered User
(11/4/01 6:04:56 pm)
Re: Value of Grimm's Fairy Tales on Children
You have to think that when they were written most were made with the intention of providing a lesson to adults and their children. They have been revamped by people like Grimm and some other people Perrault to name a few to fit the times they lived in.

They do have certian symbolic messages but I dont think that children infer these points about them

The Uses of Enchantment is an excellent read .. also

American Image, The Dickenson, and Marvels & Tales are all great resources.

Jack Zipes also has a Book that links all the tales together and makes for a great refrence source for all of these tales .. I cant remember the name its something like the Oxford companion to fairy tales

Edited by: Fioatwork  at: 11/4/01 6:07:24 pm
Unregistered User
(11/5/01 8:14:59 am)
"the savage tribe"
Hello. I think perhaps you should take a look at "Don't Tell the Grownups: Why Kids Love the Books They Do" by Alison Lurie.

Registered User
(11/15/01 8:10:22 am)
Hello everybody,

I came across this lovely site whilst researching for my dissertation on a similar topic, I'm looking at the impact of fairy tales on children's psychological well-being. I have no specifics right now as I am too busy reading all about it, I keep meaning to start putting thoughts on paper but then i get lost in the world of fairy tales!

I have been interested in childrens literature for as long as i can remember, also childrens book illustrators.

I was just wondering wot a Waldorf kinder teacher was?!

Anyhow, just a question to follow on from the one above I have read the books mentioned above and was wondering if anyone else knows of any others that may be of use to me?

Also, I'd just like to say, how lovely this site, I have often been looked down upon for my love of fairy tales and their characters but now I have a place to visit with people of my own kind!

Take care

Unregistered User
(11/16/01 8:33:17 am)
I'm not sure...
how helpful this might be, but the Young Vic Theatre did a production of Grimms' fairy tales, adapted by the poet Carol Ann Duffy in 1994- I saw it in Sydney- I can't remember when- and it was very wonderful. There's a faber and faber paperback edition of Duffy's adaptation with notes for teachers on staging the plays in schools. Perhaps this might be useful if you're interested in the role of the tales in education.


Registered User
(11/17/01 6:07:48 am)
Re: I'm not sure...
Kelly, some other good fairy tale books are:
Off With Their Heads by Maria Tartar
From the Beast to the Blonde by Marina Warner
The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales by Jack Zipes

Unregistered User
(11/18/01 12:14:23 pm)
Fairy Tales and Kids
Kay F. Stone wrote an interesting article published in Women's Folklore, Women's Culture (U Penn Press, 1985) about the effect of fairy tales on children--girls. It's called "The Misuses of Enchantment: Controversies on the Significance of Fairy Tales."

Also, Margaret Atwood published an article on how the Grimms tales affected her writing...think it's called "Grimms Remembered" it was published in The Reception of Grimms' Fairy Tales (Wayne State UP, 1993)

just my 2 cents,

Unregistered User
(11/18/01 2:54:15 pm)
Effect on Boys
Hey all,

I know there is something of a feminist slant to a lot that has been written about fairy tales. As a mother of three boys, I can say definitely that fairy tales play an important role in the lives of at least some boys. As I stated earlier, it is not always clear what these effects are, and I for one would love to see THAT study done.

I notice that my children are drawn to fairy tales. My oldest seems to find comfort in these tales, regardless of the origin of the tales. For example, when he is sick, he will read tales almost exclusively - Grimms, Arabian nights.

None of my boys enjoy Anderson's tales - which ironically, were the ones I read the most when I was a child. My younger two like ones that emphasize male heroism - especially "legend" like tales - King Arthur, Viking legends, etc. Pseudo-historic tales. My eldest treats Grimms tales as a best friend.

So tell me where this leads you in your research.


Unregistered User
(11/18/01 2:56:39 pm)
Just a thought
Hey quasi,

If you would be interested in talking with my eldest about his relationship to Grimms, I am sure that would be okay. Just let me know.


Registered User
(11/19/01 10:33:50 am)
On the case!
Thanks for all the feedback guys,

I will have may head down now reading all of your suggestions. And Jess, its a study I would like to see done also. I have been greatly influenced by many fairy tales i read as a little girl and other stories. Interestingly my sister read very different fairy tales, I was more of a princess type and she was more action hero, and we have grown up to be respective characters of these tales! But wether we have turned that way because of these stories or wether we read these becoz of our characters is unsolved. Im not sure how a study would get round this cause and effect problem but we can always watch this space!!

Thanks again

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