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Registered User
(3/12/02 6:24:27 pm)
Subtle FT/F/M touches for a wedding...
For fun, I just thought I'd see what ideas others may have to create a subtle mood of fairy tales, folklore, mythology for a wedding. A few areas to consider:


Any thoughts?

Soft whispers and sugarplum dreams,


Registered User
(3/13/02 2:16:44 pm)
fairy-tale wedding
Hello Kerrie,

Since I was married in September, I feel like a wedding professional. I found that the most important expenses for a wedding are: 1. the entertainment 2. the bride's dress 3. food and drink. 4. photographer

Entertainment is what really made my wedding a success. We surprised everyone with a bagpiper leading me down the isle at our wedding. We had a Celtic band called Tabache,, play at the reception. Celtic music definitely has a fairy-tale feeling! Music is such a worthwhile expense. People still talk about how much fun they had dancing at our wedding.

Your dress is very important, (all eyes will be on you!), but you can definitely save money on it. Some dresses that I found that look like they jumped off of the pages of a fairy-tale anthology are designed by Guzzo and Badgley Mischka. I loved the dresses of these two designers, but they're very expensive. You can see some of their dresses on I found as many pictures of the dress that I loved (a very simple strapless, with a row of buttons down the back) as I could and had a seamstress specializing in costume design make it for me. I saved thousands of dollars and got a 100% silk dress that fit me perfectly! No alterations!

food and drink- We had food stations at our reception, one of them was a potato pancake station, to go along with our Irish theme. I think that simple, wholesome, out of the ordinary (at least for most american's) foods like that would give you a fairy-tale feeling. Many fairy tales when they mention food at all, it is often bread and cheese and simple foods like that. An old fashioned drink like mead or ale, would go well with it. Mulled cider might also be good.

If you really want to give guests a wedding favor make it something that won't just be thrown away. Wedding favors are expensive, and most trinkets labeled as such are junk. I would suggest giving them something to take home and plant. A flower bulb, or seeds that you can buy in bulk and pretty fabric to wrap them in and tie a bow around. Maybe you could find a good quote from your favorite fairy-tale to attach to each bag. When the plants grow, the guests will be reminded of the fun they had at your wedding!

I could keep talking forever, I have an opinion about everything, but I won't overwhelm you. I hope that I don't sound like I'm trying to be a know-it-all, but wedding plans took up much of my spare time for a whole year. I had to have learned something!


Edited by: alina at: 3/13/02 6:58:08 pm
Unregistered User
(3/13/02 5:31:21 pm)

I already emailed you with some personal things, but here are some additional thoughts:

Roses and laurels for their use in fairy tales and mythology, respectively

Goblets for wine

golden apples - you pick the genre and country

music - very critical - you could pick, musical grouping (i.e. lute and reeds; renaissance combo; baroque like I did; celtic like alina) or you could pick something that refers to a tale or myth

the site - I think it needs to be outside and someplace that you feel connected to, whether it be a break in the woods, a formal garden, an open field, each has its place in myth and fantasy

the dress - be sure to be consistent with your attendents - your choices are widely varied from gossimer to something out of Ruth's illustrations. I wouldn't be set on white - maybe a dress as blue as the sky? or as golden as the sun? lol

oops, need to run. I will add more later.


Registered User
(3/13/02 7:11:21 pm)
Hey Kerrie,
I just read over my earlier post and I kind of strayed from the subject, you probably didn't need to know all of those details about my wedding! and I know that you didn't ask for money saving tips but I can't help myself I just still get excited about it! My email account isn't working today for some reason, but if I think of any other tidbits that aren't relevant to this sight I'll send them to you later!


Registered User
(3/13/02 7:19:06 pm)
the perfect fairy tale wedding...

I was thinking that masks might also be something fun. I can't help it - I am obsessed with the ballroom sequence from Labyrinth! I know it is not a wedding scene, but it is so terribly magical and romantic.

As Jess mentioned, flowers are very important too. In the Middle Ages and even earlier, flowers had very important symbolic messages, especially dealing with love and romance.

And if you know a talented seamstress, there are some gorgeous fantasy patterns from Simplicity for beautiful gowns. I used to make costumes for my friends to wear to Renaissance fairs and they are a great resource. I think the site is:

Perhaps your bridesmaid could each wear a dress as silver as the moon, shining as the stars and golden as the sun.

Invitations could be printed on an ivory paper with a calligraphy font to simulate parchment.

Just some thoughts. I would love to design a fairy tale wedding. How lovely!


Registered User
(3/16/02 8:23:42 am)
Great ideas!
Thanks for all of the suggestions so far! And no worrying about straying- I think it's all appropriate so far! We were thinking about incorporating masks into the ceremony or little mask pins as favors (as inspired by Jane's article, "Mask on the Lapel"). One thought that popped into my head recently was in regards to the men. As they are all so different, and as Jansen is so tiny (5'2" and about 90 lbs) the tux thing is just not ideal, especially since he'd have to have one tailor made just for one day (and it's not our style). Since I was thinking along the lines of fairy tales, especially with the women, the men started to seem a bit more like tricksters! The stories they have told of their history together, their world travels, cultural interests, just seem to point in that direction! Any thoughts on how to bring that out subtly?

Soft whispers and sugarplum dreams,


Edited by: Kerrie at: 3/16/02 8:25:05 am
Registered User
(3/16/02 10:40:50 am)
The guests
Just a thought...

Maybe on the invitations, where you might put "formal" or "casual', you could request that the guests wear certain colors, styles, or fabrics...
Better, maybe a calligraphy-font message on a seperate, enclosed piece of clear vellum?

No matter what you look like, a sea of minis in acid green (one of mt favorite colors, actually) and baby blue poly leisure suits will definitely ruin the fairy tale mood...

Another thought: candles. Tons of flowers and candles, the old fashioned, softer kind of both.

Maybe your local SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) has or knows of some singers of medieval songs, if you like, and hey, the SCA would have the right costumes already...

Registered User
(4/17/02 5:56:31 pm)
Guests and tricksters...
Ahhh, getting my family to comply with a designated color or style scheme is an unsurmountable quest worthy of a hero and heroine! We may just try to ask for solid colors only, simple styles. My family will have the hardest time, being so used to formal occasions, even for the holidays!

Still wondering if anyone had suggestions for different tricksters for the men? So far, I've come up with Crow, Coyote, Fox, Rabbit, Horse, Owl, Snake, Dragon, Rooster- are these all considered tricksters? Would personality types help?

Soft whispers and valley blossoms,

Kerrie (signing off to rest her back)

Edited by: Kerrie at: 4/20/02 4:22:40 am

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