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Unregistered User
(12/2/02 11:57:07 pm)
erotic stories, public domain or with permission
Hello everyone: I hope your work goes well today. That's the least that can be asked for us cave-dwellers, yes? (I myself am not certain whether I am a willing participant of my cave, or a prisoner on some days--grin)

I am going to be making an audio tape soon of erotic bedtime stories, not XXX rated, but sort of x and y chromosone rated. (grin)

I am going to tell the sleeping beauty story I think of Perrault with its erotic tone and probably refer to anne rice's early tale of such and angela's also. I thought I would talk a bit about why stories are erotic and how arousal and drive are different. i thought I would tell some of the most classic fantasies, that like dreams, have a kind of "top ten most prevalent' list.

I was wondering if anyone knew any public domain erotic tales, fantasies, fabulae, etc, or if you personally have published one that I might read over to see if it might fit, if you would please let me know. I have compiled a long list of 'lover stories" but need some more , let's say, earthier ideas too. Not all about Eros is only sweetness and light.

I thought too that since this might be a delicate subject for some (I do not know if there are children on this list, but just in case there are, or that this topic might be objectionable to anyone, I thought I would give you this email address if you wish to write to me privately.) I am fine too with you posting to this list. Whatever you think is best.

I would add to that you need not censor yourself if you write to me privately. I've been a psychoanalyst for many decades now who has much understanding of most all variants of human eros and sexuality and love. plus I am a grandmother (occasional black leather jacket and high heel boots notwithstanding-- did I mentjon the motorcycle?)
con cariño,

Unregistered User
(12/3/02 12:34:20 am)
email addy
well that was ridiculous, I forgot to post the email addy. here it is (I'ts only 1:30 am in the mornng---way past time to be out of the coffn....grin) Okay, serious now...

thank you
all best

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(12/3/02 4:21:52 am)
Er, cpe--which Sleeping Beauty would that be?The one in which the prince rapes her and she wakes mother of twins (Italian) or the French? Anyway you look at it, it's hardly erotic unless one is into necrophlia or s&m.

Speaking of necrophilia--try Snow White instead. The prince buys the dead girl in the coffin from the dwarves to keep her forever.

Or Cinderella--for foot fetishists.

Or The Armless Maiden for real S&M stuff.

Hmmmm. . .viewed this way, things are seriously deranged in fairy tale land.


PS. cpe--I don't mean to make light of your serious study. I just got giddy with the idea.

Richard Parks
Registered User
(12/3/02 6:21:58 am)
Re: Sexuality
"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd." -- Tom Lehrer.

Sorry, I started channeling the "Smut" song immediately. Character flaw, I guess. But seriously, folks, one place you might want to look is any good unexpurgated ARABIAN NIGHTS. Several of the stories have both overt and more subtle erotic themes.

Registered User
(12/3/02 8:28:28 am)
Eroticism in Russian Folklore ...
Don't know if this is exactly what you had in mind, but the great Russian folklorist, Alexander Afanasyev, actually found so much erotic material in the course of cataloging folktales for his collection that he actually published them in a separate volume. The title translates as something like _The Secret Bawdy Tales of Russia_ and I believe that they have been translated into English. Many of them do have overt fairy tale themes (magic rings, etc.), and they are quite explicit. So, if you're looking for the antithesis of sweetness and light ...

Heidi Anne Heiner
(12/3/02 8:46:03 am)
Erotic short stories

Since Terri seems to be off-board for a little while--perhaps in the middle of her annual migration back to Arizona--I'll mention a collection of short stories she edited with Ellen Datlow: "Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers: Magical Tales of Love and Seduction." It's recently been reprinted in paperback and readily available at your local bookstore--I've seen it in all of mine. Jane has a story in it, too. It's been years since I read it, but I am sure others here are familiar with it.

Here's a link to it on Amazon:


Unregistered User
(12/3/02 9:31:15 am)
sleeping beauty
dear, dear, are making me laugh this morning as I read your post

For all to clarify, I would be telling the cpe version of Perrault's Sleeping Beauty, wherein her betrothed one from long-before 'awakens her for the first time' while she pretends at first to be still asleep. As I understand the late, late tale wherein some have said that the kiss awakens her, I think, in female psychology, this can be understood as a feignt on her part....I have written in WWRWW that she awakened becuase the millenia is up rather than the uh, member. Ahem. Not becuase of the kiss, but because the 100 years was up. And that she is fully anticipatory of the pleasure to come... and so, the lover begins by gently removing her little silken shoes (or her big bodacious shoes--perhaps she has feet like us!).....and on it goes, slowly and wisely--camera pans to the window and to the night sky here....

We are grandmothers right mi yo-lin?---we know what this means....(grin)

Do you know one of the ironies of discussing the erotic is that it makes people laugh and giggle--brings a blush to peope in a very nice way.... There are few people I know who do not take pleasure in the discussion of pleasure. I think that is very good. A good indiccation that they are truly alive.
please disregard any unerotic mispelling here

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(12/3/02 12:59:22 pm)
Another to check out
I hope you take a good look at the earlier French peasant version of Little Red Riding Hood: "Undress my child, and come to bed with me.. ."


Unregistered User
(12/3/02 4:16:39 pm)
little red
we have a vwrsion in our family where LRRH says to wolf, Grandmother, what a big p---- you have. But it is not told to children.

Does it count that for Halloween several times I went as Little Bad Riding Hood?

THose who are correspounding with me via email are also very helpful...

Besides eros and psyche, does anyone know of tale where man is made love to? There are several involving incest, but that is not of interest here.

all best

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(12/4/02 2:29:15 am)
Other stuff
cpe--check out my MIRROR, MIRROR: 40 Folktales for Mothers and Daughters to Share--there is a bizarre Innuit story in it in which a grandmother and granddaughter live together alone on the tundra. Grandmother is a shaman and makes her vagina into a penis and becomes the father of her granddaughter's child. Not erotic in the usual sense, very matter of fact actually, and sad, as the granddaughter runs off with a man and the shaman loses her magic.

In a lot of coyote stories, there is an enormous amount of coupling, again not erotic per se.

You might also (for fun and to see what one magnificent writer can do with the material) read Ursula Le Guin's prize-winning short story "Buffalo Girls Won't You Come Out Tonight" which stars Coyote in a female incarnation.


Unregistered User
(12/4/02 4:18:31 am)
Aga Tompa

oh my favorite collection of erotic tales come from a little collection "Tales of Uncle Tompa" compiled by Rinjing Dortje with fabulous illustrations by Addison Smith. It was a very, very small press so I think you'd have some trouble finding it. Uncle Tompa is the Tibetan trickster and he is into everything--literally. The best story in the collection is about a couple of peasants cursed by an offended llama to grow nothing but penises in their field...when it happens Uncle Tompa purchases them and promptly does a bang up business selling the harvest off at the local nunnery--with a few bumps along the way. The other collection is an old one of North African tales, collected by Leo Frobineus, "Erotic African Nights,"...that you can probably find in a university library. There my favorite is "The Husband's Revenge"--about two men who seduce each other's wives--I like it because in the end the women are a bit silly, but they have a rather pleasant time as the men try and one up each other. I wrote a version of this tale for Terri and Ellen's series "Black Swan, White Raven," called "The Reverend's Wife"...shifting the point of view (it's the women who play the trick) and set in the rural South. I also did an erotic version of "Tattercoats" in Terri's and Ellen's "Black Thorn, White Rose." I think I have a reputation for writing about happy couplings...though Jane's post reminded me of long ago on the board when we had a discussion on the Armless Maiden and Karen (I think) gave a cite address for a riviting article on people who amputate limbs because it makes them feel "whole" and more desirable (which meant they had partners who enjoyed this mutilated aspect of them...aish, it gave me the shivers)

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(12/4/02 12:32:24 pm)
Midori--I love the fact that an offended llama cursed someone. But I think you meant lama.

(It helps to remember the Ogden Nash poem that begins: a One l lama is a priest, a two l llama is a beast, but I would bet a silk pajama. . . .)


Unregistered User
(12/4/02 1:27:35 pm)
uncle tompa
mi midori? is it uncle Trungpa? I have a little book here that is cream colored, over size horizontally, and has amongst others a hysterical story about a Tibetal nun who grew a field of penii. That's a good call midori.

as for lama and llama, (jane that was a good quote from Nash) in Spanish we add one more, which is also mi llama es, meaning "my name is" as in 'I am called such and such.." but pronounced yamah. There is also llama which means the creature (also pronounced yamah). There is also llama which means the flame, Ymaah, also) and lama which means the Tibetan priest,(pronounced with hard l) and lama which means the mud, and lama which means lamé, as in gold lamé fabric. Ern't you glaed yous not bi-glingol? (that was on purspose, it WAS, I know how to spell lingual, I dew, do, to two, too.)(I know the right spelling is in there somewhere...but this will take some time.....)

(grin)con cariño,

Unregistered User
(12/4/02 1:36:34 pm)
uncle tompa
mi midori? is it uncle Trungpa? I have a little book here that is cream colored, over size horizontally, and has amongst others a hysterical story about a Tibetal nun who grew a field of penii. That's a good call midori.

as for lama and llama, (jane that was a good quote from Nash) in Spanish we add one more, which is also mi llama es, meaning "my name is" as in 'I am called such and such.." but pronounced yamah. There is also llama which means the creature (also pronounced yamah). There is also llama which means the flame, Ymaah, also) and lama which means the Tibetan priest,(pronounced with hard l) and lama which means the mud, and lama which means lamé, as in gold lamé fabric. Ern't you glaed yous not bi-glingol? (that was on purspose, it WAS, I know how to spell lingual, I dew, do, to two, too.)(I know the right spelling is in there somewhere...but this will take some time.....)

(grin)con cariño,

p.s. Dear Midori:
what you are describing about amputation is clinically in the category called Paraphilias, and it is so, and it is horrific except to those who do the amputation and/or admire such. (not the same as persons who have fetishes about amputees) A So Cailfornian man, a few years back, had his healthy leg amputated in Mexico in an apparently paraphiliac episode. The case came to light because massive infection set in and the man died. His family brought charges against the doctor and in the course of the trial, the entire lifetime of eroticization (although I am not sure I would choose that for the syndrome exactly) of wanting to and fantasizing and finally having a likmb removed, all came out in the testimony by various persons. Some time we should have a good discussion about Eros. Like the framers of the US Constitution and the amendments to the Constitution, sometmes, I am not sure that all things attributed nowadays were exactly what was in mind at the beginning.

Unregistered User
(12/4/02 2:10:43 pm)
spitting l's
Ack Jane! you have me howling at my own silliness! Of course, offended lamas spit curses, but llamas merely spit! (and if I was clever I would find an equally annoying way to work in that Hispanic actor's name..Lamas (but I can't for the life of me remember if its Ferdinan or Alejandro?)

Cpe...yes, my guess is it the very same trickster! But a different book..and perhaps a different spelling of Uncle Tompa. Rinjing Dorje who tells the tales in my little collection self published the book in 1975. He heard the stories when he was a child, herding yak. The drawings are splendid that accompany the book!...maybe it was reissued..I never stopped to check!

Unregistered User
(12/4/02 4:22:51 pm)
Nice wriggle, Midori!
Fernando Lamas. Has a good-looking son, too, also an actor but not quite as smouldering as his dad.

The Nash poem goes on to say "But I will bet a silk pajama, there's no such thing as a three L lama." And then in an asterisk, says something about a large fire being a three alarmer. Wonderful pun.

I give you back to your regular programming.


Unregistered User
(12/5/02 7:14:43 am)
Arabian Nights

Have you checked the Arabian Nights? There are quite a few mildly erotic stories in it. I have Jack Zipes volumes 1 and 2, although everyone here recommends the Hadaway (I haven't located it yet, but will).


Registered User
(12/5/02 3:07:15 pm)
Russian Tales
Oh yes. "Sweetness and light" is hardly the appropriate description of these tales. The version I have is _Erotic Tales of Old Russia_, in a bilingual edition, selected and trans. Yury Perkov, Scythian Books, 1988. Also, advertised on the back is a _Dictionary of Russian Obscenities (Russian-English)_.


Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(12/5/02 5:16:34 pm)
Re: Arabian Nights
I'd say Arabian Nights can be more than mildly erotic - at least in Haddawy there's a lot of intriguing images. There's definately room there for retelling.

I love East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Not an explicit tale, but the protagonist does get into bed each night with a man she can't see. Oh so many places one could go with that.

Laura MC

Edited by: Laura McCaffrey at: 12/6/02 4:12:03 am
Registered User
(12/6/02 10:46:45 am)
Re: Arabian Nights
Damn. I was hoping it was an offended llama. It seemed such a very creative thing for an offended llama to do.

I have an eroticized version of the Little Red Riding Hood story in Terri and Ellen's _Black Swan, White Raven._ I called it "Riding the Red."


Unregistered User
(12/6/02 1:17:08 pm)
Francesca Lia Block
Block has a book of erotica called Nymph that has some elements of the fantastic as well as being fairly gentle. There is one about a Mermaid that has stuck with me for a long time.


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