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Unregistered User
(2/12/02 4:58:27 am)
Trying to locate tale
I used to have a collection of fairy tales that my mother had as a girl (she was born in 1933). It was not a picture book, about 6 x 9", reddish binding I think, decorative endpapers with black and white illustrations, including very strenous zephyrs... in it were some Anderson tales (the lost boot & others) but also others. I lost it when I brought it to college with me.

The story that has stayed with me, involved a number of small wooden people that lived in the suit pocket of a president. Latin American country I think. One of them, in the breast pocket, saves the president's life during an assination attempt.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Or did I just imagine the whole thing?


Unregistered User
(2/12/02 10:11:33 am)

Your tale sounds vaguely familiar besides being an interesting political statement (a president with soldiers in his pocket saving him from death by assassins - not real ones mind you, but frozen stiff wooden ones). Anyway, I will try to do some digging this afternoon and see what I come up with.


Unregistered User
(2/12/02 12:06:12 pm)
More wooden people
Your story is perhaps Mayan. From the little research I have done so far, wooden people play prominently in the folk stories of this Central American culture. If that gives anybody any hints, let me know. I will try to dig a little further later today.


Unregistered User
(2/12/02 8:49:23 pm)
Thanks Jess
I really appreciate your looking into this for me. I remember there was a sly humor to the whole thing.

Unregistered User
(2/21/02 7:01:02 am)
Can I use the tale
Dear Jess,

If I retold this tale, distorted by my memory and adding my own details, and illustrated it, not knowing the original version, could I get skewered for this?


Unregistered User
(2/21/02 7:21:41 am)

I am not a copyright lawyer and I wouldn't deem to give you advice on line. But here is some general law, if it is in the public domain you will be fine. In general, most fairy tales are. But retellings are not if they contain original material, i.e. a specific retelling/transaltion maybe and is often covered by copyright, or are in specific collection. Since the book was published in or about 1933, it might still be covered by a copyright. The old law was author's life, plus 75 years. So, your question must be is this a fairy tale or an original story by someone. Then too, if your story is very different from the original it may not be an issue at all.

You may want to do some research on your own regarding copyright law or consult an attorney that specializes in this area. So too, many of the authors on this board may have faced this issue in the past. They may be in a better position to help you than I am.

I hope this helps.


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