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Unregistered User
(7/8/02 7:50:24 am)
Please help me track down a certain human-like creature!
Right. I've been trying so hard lately to track down a certain HUMAN-LIKE creature. This male figure has not much to do with fairy's or fairy lands but I would really love to know whether anything like that exists. He is of young unusual looks (not a child!), is not a fairy, not a ghost, not a vampire or so much of a wizard but all of that together... I don't know if anybody understands...?
Maybe there exists something like that in mythology??

Does anyone at all know of anything remotely similar. OR, books about such a creature together with a mortal girl ...

You are also very welcome to write: mayam@ptt.yu

Thank you up front,
Maya (Yugoslavia)

Unregistered User
(7/9/02 6:51:34 am)
culture hero
often culture heroes in epics have the diverse qualities you describe. Sometimes they exhibit these powers even from the womb--protecting their mothers from harm, or altering their landscapes (I'm thinking of Mwindo in the Congolese hero epic, "Song of Mwindo") Or else at birth they display additional exceptional qualities--they are born speaking, they have the sun and moon stamped on their foreheads. In reverse, they can also be born with seeming deformities or lack--such as being small, or unable to speak--until some key moment in their life brings them forward and they reveal themselves as prophetic and powerful.

As they grow, these heroes are really extraordinary--their rites of passage as young men--moving from adolescence into adulthood are often paralleled by similiar transitions occuring in their societies--so that they become leaders, transformers, creators of the new society. There is usually some sort of physically defining aspect of them--their beauty, their birthmark, their vulnerabilities (Achilles heel--no pun intended!). They have a close relationship to the creative forces of the fantastic--able to call upon magic--sometimes of their own power--but quite often in the form of magic/fantastic alliances and helpers--they are aligned with powerful forces--sometimes very human students of these magics--but never really fully initiated into the arcane societies because that would prevent them from their universal role as culture hero.

Take a look at almost any of the great epic heroes--Beowulf, (I am drawing a blank on the Estonian epic hero--Kevala???) King Arthur, Sundijata (from Madagascar) Mwindo (from the Congo) Gilgamesh (Babylonian--one of my personal favorites!)....any other suggestions from the board???

I hope this helps--but if you need something more specific please write back and let us know.

Unregistered User
(7/9/02 11:17:17 am)
Various fantasy writing has dealt with the possibility of angelic interraction with humans, the offspring of which are generally called Nephilim. While the origins of such creatures is biblical, most of the mythology about them is from outside sources.

Would anyone like to comment?


Unregistered User
(7/10/02 2:49:10 am)
God-like creature(s)
Well yes! You've been tremendous help. I am very much a beginner in this and am just staring to get myself into it. I need as much information I can get on this unusual God-like creature(s); to try and find out about all possible variations there are. The best way I can think of to describe him at the moment is a blend of different God's, from which attributes like wisdom, knowledge, eloquent speech, certain types of magical powers, emotions would prevail in him (no evil involved!)

And, to add to the post about Nephilim, that too interests me and also the interaction between such a creature as described above (or any other at all similar, male angels & fairies, whatever) with a human girl, possibly in romance or similar? Any books on the topic you could point me to (preferably on the net, because I have no way of buying books from the net ....and not much otherwise either) Well, anything would do......

Thank you so very, very much!!

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