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Registered User
(6/12/02 10:13:25 pm)
Speaking of comics ...
I walked past the local Bloomington comic shop and was arrested by a poster in the window for a new comic book series: Fables. Has anyone read or seen this comic? I know I’m headed out soon to look for it. Here’s a plot synopsis:

“Welcome to Fabletown
“Where do fairy tale princes and princesses, beasts and beauties go when happily ever after is over?
“New York City, of course.

“After a dreaded foe known only as "The Adversary" drives the "Fables," as they call themselves, away from their ancestral homes, they have no choice but to establish an underground community in the heart of Manhattan. Careful not to draw undue attention to themselves, they are self-governing, with a Mayor and a policeman all their own. Above all they must not reveal their true nature to the "mundanes" of their adopted world. As our story opens, Rose Red, fairy tale princess turned New York party girl, has gone missing, her abandoned apartment a trashed and bloody mess. Fearing the worst, Red's fraternal twin sister Snow White, deputy Mayor of Fabletown, and Bigby Wolf, its chief constable, are determined to find out who among their fellow exiles is responsible for the gruesome deed . . .
“…this is no fairy tale, and when Snow White's estranged sister, Rose Red, goes missing — her apartment a grizzly, bloody scene — it's up to her sister and Mr. Wolf to find the culprit. But the question remains, will they find Rose intact, or will the cryptic message on her wall come true: "No More Happily Ever After?"

Here are three sites on the series, from which those quotes were excerpted:

Laura S.

Registered User
(6/14/02 7:05:06 am)
Issue two just came out on Wednesday (New Comics Day) and so far the series seem to be good. It is holding my intrest. I want to know how they are going to work in some the Fables they have introduce. Like why is Cinderella learning fenceing from Bluebeard? Why is one of the three pigs following Snow White around? The painted cover are nice, and I think the interior art is average.

Registered User
(6/16/02 5:40:08 pm)
Fairy Tale comics

I wasn't hugely impressed by Fables, actually.... the interpretation doesn't seem to contribute any insight to the characters... you don't get that feeling of "another angle". I like reinterpretations of older stories because of how a modern setting can help you understand why a character might have been a particular way in the original context - Fables doesn't really lend anything.

Read Matt Wagner's Mage - it brings legendary / mythological characters into a modern context smartly. Mike Mignola's Hellboy also uses old stories and folklore for his hero to battle - and it's remarkable.

Comics are in a golden age right now, really. There's an incredible amount of stuff out there which is really lending literary credibility to the genre. Even the old, traditional superheros are being re-written with more edge and depth to them.


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