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Registered User
(2/28/02 1:18:46 pm)
Gifts of the Fairies
If you could have any one fairy gift, what would it be, and why? Seven League Boots? A purse that is never empty? Beauty? Knowledge? There are so many choices! what would you choose? This is a silly question, so I expect some silly answers!

Registered User
(2/28/02 4:30:41 pm)
Fun and serious...
First the fun one:

I'd have to say those cursed red shoes! I've loved ballet since I was 2 years old, and cannot fathom the day I will stop loving it! Misha, will you marry me?!

The serious one:

Time. I'd have to say I would like spare time, if that could be given (I know, I should be careful of what I wish for). I would never ask for money, for I find it to be the root of all evil (though a necessary evil it seems these days). Beauty? I like being plain and I have a darling man who loves me and (still) wants to marry me. The boots? Well, after hearing Gail Carson Levine read an excerpt from one of her books at a conference last year, detailing how it must feel- no thanks! Knowledge- I know more than I want to, thank you most kindly.

Ok, so my reasons for not asking for things are kind of silly. Oh well.

Sugarplum dreams,


Registered User
(2/28/02 6:08:53 pm)
Re: Fun and serious...
I'd like to be able to teleport to anyplace I wanted/needed to be.
Or, to be able to explode people's heads from afar with only the power of my mind.
Or to be able to morph a...
never mind.

Registered User
(3/4/02 8:33:30 pm)
Slight change of question
Thanks Kerrie and Janell for replying!

I think that I did not present this question properly to elicit much response. I am trying to think of a list of the usual and the unusual gifts given by fairies to humans in fairy tales.

I've got the obvious ones:

Beauty (red lips, white skin etc.)
strength of ten men
seven league boots
purse that's never empty

I am working on a story that will incorporate a lot of fairy gifts. There is one story I'm thinking of in particular as a good source to find some of these gifts. Maybe somebody can help me locate it.

A prince is born at the beginning of the story. He is given a fairy gift of being "too clever". He is also given a lot of other fairy gifts which are put away in an attic by one of his parents, I think his mother, who does not believe in fairies. Later the prince discovers the gifts, and uses either a pair of seven league boots or a magic carpet, to go and kill a salamander and a firedrake and win his true love. I might have mixed up more than one story, and there is a bit more to it than that, but that is the main idea.

So if anybody can help me find that story, or remind me of some other fairy gifts that I've forgotten about or never knew, your input would be greatly appreciated!


Edited by: alina at: 3/4/02 8:44:54 pm
Unregistered User
(3/4/02 10:57:05 pm)
Fairy gifts
Laughingly, I won't go for any glass slippers, but I would kill to sleep for 100 years and not get any older. Actually, 8 hours straight would be nice.


Registered User
(3/5/02 3:33:19 am)
Re: Gifts of the Fairies
This is a great topic!

The gifts of the fairies always seemed to be a mixed blessing, but being always able to see the Truth, the true nature of things, would be nice (just don't look at the fairies themselves).

Also, being ageless might not be so bad. I know, you have to watch friends and family grow old and die, but I imagine there might be a few others of similar fate to band together with, welcome to Shangri-La... Hmm, actually, most of the fun would be in watching the changing world, so if you had to stay isolated it might be a curse after all.

If it was an item, I think a swan cloak or something similar would be wonderful, I'd love to fly as a bird (just watch out for hunters!), as would the ever popular cloak of invisibility, but for daily use, I'd have to go with seven league boots, no more rush hour traffic!

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