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Heidi Anne Heiner
(1/23/02 8:42:37 pm)
Advertising again
In one of those rare hours of TV watching, I was just surprised to see the "Got Milk?" commercial featuring La Llorona. It was very strange but effective.

I, of course, got the research bug and had to learn more about the ad. has the commerical and brief information about the legend behind La Llorona. If you want to see it, go here:

The site says the spot is two years old, but I haven't seen it until now.

Has anyone else seen any fairy tale/folklore related advertising of late?


Edited by: Heidi Anne Heiner at: 1/23/02 8:48:21 pm
Registered User
(1/24/02 1:31:06 pm)
Re: Advertising again
I haven't seen any ads, but there was an episode of "Samurai Jack" that was all about fractured fairy tales. I don't know how many people are familiar with the show (on Cartoon Network, made by the same guy that does "The Powerpuff Girls"), but it's about a Samurai fighting an ancient evil demon known as Aku and Aku throws the samurai into a version of the future in which Aku rules. The samurai becomes known as Jack and he becomes a legendary hero because he's constantly battling evil. Anyway, long story longer: in this one episode, the kids of the world have taken to playing games in which Jack defeats Aku and his tales of heroism are spreading. So Aku calls all the children together and tells them re-hashed versions of fairy tales in which Aku is the hero (in one case he's Red Ridinghood) and Jack is evil (as in being the bad man who wrecks the home of the Three Bears and attempts to kill the Three Pigs). The kids keep telling Aku that "Jack would never do that!" until in frustration the stories become mixed up and quite funny. The episode ends with Aku leaving in disgust and the kids telling their own story.

~M. Pepper

Unregistered User
(1/24/02 2:54:50 pm)
Do you know the Chanel advertising from Luc Besson using Little Red Riding Hood? It is not the latest (said to be three years old) but still in the web: following Fragrance – Legendary No5 – The Advertising


Registered User
(1/24/02 9:27:57 pm)
Re: Advertising again
Not exactly a fairy tale - but I love the current Thermasilk commercial that features Medusa tango-ing with Apollo - with all the other Greek gods and mythical creatures watching on. (I've liked all the Thermasilk commercials in this campaign. Very atmospheric and moody)

Also, that Diet Coke or Pepsi (can't remember which) commercial with Kim Cattrall - dressed in a red-riding hood, with wolves about - but she also references the 3 bears (this cola is too...full of calories... or whatever). She also did another 3 bears one awhile back - but with the football team, Bears - in their locker room, having tasted their various incarnations of cola, and ending up in the hot tub with the diet one that was 'just right'...


Registered User
(1/25/02 6:39:38 am)
Re: Advertising again
The various Thermasilk commercials are surprisingly gorgeous -- there's one with a dragon, one with a fairy, and one with a magician's assistant in addition to the dancing Greek gods. I'd like to see a whole movie made by the person who is directing these.
Last year, the Thermasilk ad agency hired me to write a short fantasy story for their Fantasy campaign, about a woman's transformation. (My agent called me up and said, "Terri, how do you feel about shampoo...?") I gave them a story loosely based on East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Still don't know what they intend to do with it -- there was talk of creating little pamphlets to go in women's magazines. I think they commissioned three pieces altogether, by me, Elizabeth Hayden, and a romance writer. It was a strange assignment...but my mother was ill and I needed the extra work.... Just call me a word slut! They were nice to work with, actually, but boy is advertising a different world from book publishing.

Edited by: Terri at: 1/25/02 6:40:37 am
Registered User
(1/25/02 9:46:08 am)
I *love* the Thermasilk ones -- they're so mysterious and compelling. My son and I were stunned the first time we saw the knife thrower one.

I too just saw the La Llorona "Got Milk?" commercial and thought it was wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing it again -- I'm surprised to hear that it's two years old, because (to my shame) I'm a huge tv watcher and it's the first time I ever saw it. Maybe they were only showing it in the Southwest?


Registered User
(1/25/02 1:48:45 pm)
La Llorona
They must only be showing it in the Southwest or on very specific TV stations because I watch a lot of TV and haven't seen it! (Wish I had--La Llorona was one of my favorite stories growing up in Texas!)

~M. Pepper

P.S. on another note entirely: Dave Barry's column today was all about his daughter's love of "Snow White." You can read it at

Registered User
(2/12/02 5:44:14 pm)
Re: Advertising again
Ok, here's how sad I am... I bought a magazine today, just for one advertisement! In the February issue of New York magazine, there is an ad a few pages in for Louis Vuitton with the image of a young woman in a white dress, eyes closed, a bitten apple in her hands... and a red purse spilling forth more apples.

Does anyone know if there's a site where you can view the ThermaSilk commercials? I get 4 channels, really fuzzy, and I feel like I'm missing out.

Sugarplum dreams,


Edited by: Kerrie at: 2/26/02 3:13:01 pm
Registered User
(2/20/02 5:39:58 am)
One more...
This weekend I found in my (2001 or 2002) copy of the Grace Ormande bridal magazine (specially created for Grand Bridal Shows, I think, so it was free this time) an add for flowers that was an image of a man and woman "dressed" as Adam and Eve. The image is mostly artistically blurred except for the center, where the apple she's offering him and some of the flowers are crisp. It's more of a touched up black-and-white photo than a full color photo. Quite lovely.

Sugarplum dreams,


isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(2/21/02 12:26:37 pm)
Re: One more...
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but AGF has a whole ad campaign based on mythical/cultural characters. Medusa hooks up with a blind man. They're pretty fun.

isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(2/24/02 9:39:43 pm)
Re: One more...
I think Louis Vitton has a whole ad campaign based on Snow White. There's a two page one w/the same model and 7 boys walking behind her.

Registered User
(3/13/02 6:04:02 am)
Re: One more...
The Louis Vuitton series is appearing in the New Yorker currently (March issues). This includes the Show White image below with luggage and children, and another, more subtle, image, of the woman lying back asleep, holding an apple in one hand, with a leather bag from which other apples threaten to spill. If you weren't clued in to the campaign, you might not realize what was being portrayed in that one.
Some of the images are available for viewing on their site, too, at


Edited by: Gregor9 at: 3/13/02 6:07:57 am
isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(3/26/02 11:46:05 am)
Vuitton again!
I saw another ad, I think in the latest issue of In Style. This time, it's Cinderella - missing a shoe.

Registered User
(4/17/02 5:50:33 pm)
Re: Vuitton again!
Okay, so far I have the 2 Snow White ads and the Cinderella one for Vuitton. Have there been any others?

Soft whispers and valley blossoms,


isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(4/17/02 7:15:30 pm)
Re: Vuitton again!
Yup! But I couldn't figure it out! It's got a girl looking into a mirror - I was thinking maybe Alice in Wonderland, but I wasn't sure since that's not a fairy tale per se. I'm afraid I forgot where I saw it

Registered User
(6/10/02 2:52:05 pm)
Any more?
Just curious if there were ever any more LV ads or any new ones that others have been collecting?

Soft whispers and valley blossoms,


isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(7/13/02 9:47:42 am)
not Vuitton
There's an ad for Crispers on tv right now. It has Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf. Red looks like she's about 25 years old.

Registered User
(7/30/02 1:57:54 pm)
Vuitton no more...
I wrote to Vuitton asking where admirers could find prints and if there will be more, here's the reply:

Thank you for your nice feedback. We had an excellent response from the general public to our "fairytale" campaign this spring/summer. We ran four images altogether: Snow White, Cinderella, Alice, and the Princess & the Frog. The
Princess & Frog visual only ran in a couple of books (May issue of Nylon, June issue of InStyle and a couple of Hampton's issues this summer).

The fairytale concept was a one-time concept that was the result of a collaboration of our creative team in Paris, their agency and the photographers. It will not be repeated, but we certainly had fun with it! The magazines we chose to advertise with were not specifically targeted to enhance the fairytale concept; rather they were our usual mix of women's fashion, lifestyle and downtown/alternative publications.

Unfortunately, we do not produce prints of the ad campaign for the general public. I'm sorry I can't help with the request, but we do appreciate the positive commentary!

Ah well. Perhaps we can convince others to pick up the trend.

Terri- anything new on the Thermasilk campaign?

Dandelion wishes,


Registered User
(8/8/02 3:11:17 pm)
Re: One more...
Hi...I'm wondering if anyone has found the Thermasilk commercials online for download. I'd love to find the one with Medusa and the dragon.


Registered User
(8/9/02 12:20:03 pm)
Thermasilk Ads
A found a few of their ads on the website of the company that made them, "La Maison." You can download the knife-throwing one, the sorceress, and the elements. I believe they are listed under 'commercials' in the gallery section. There is also a nice mix of the faery one with the dragon one (not the whole of both sadly) listed under their 'showreels'. Also, check out the Nintendo ad they did. It's the one at the symphony where the gargoyles come to life and the chandelier turns into a dragon. Really beautiful.


Registered User
(8/9/02 12:21:19 pm)
forgot to post the link
Er...silly me for got the link to La Maison.

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