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pauline storyteller
Registered User
(6/26/02 1:22:46 pm)
Unicorn stories

This consuming desire to tell an unicorn story has fallen over me from out of the blue sky. So I have been looking around, and I can find what you can call "sayings" about unicorns, but no stories.

I would be ever so grateful if anyone out there could point me in the right direction. What I am looking for is a beautiful and exciting unicorn story, preferly with a female protagonist.


Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(6/26/02 1:43:12 pm)
unicorn stories
Bruce Coville did an anthology of unicorn stories. One of mine is in it.

I did HERE THERE BE UNICORNS which has that story and about a half dozen others, plus poems, all of which I've written.


Registered User
(6/26/02 10:40:38 pm)
One recommendation
My favorite Unicorn story, hands down, is "The Unicorn Sonata" by Peter S. Beagle. A delight from start to finish!

Richard Parks
Registered User
(6/27/02 11:02:06 am)
Unicorn Stories
There are a lot of good ones mentioned above. My favorite is probably "The Last Unicorn," also by Peter Beagle. The unicorn is herself female, so I say it counts.

Another great one is "The Silken-Swift" by Theodore Sturgeon.

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(6/28/02 2:38:46 am)
Telling stories
It would be difficult for a storyteller to tell the entire "Last Unicorn" as it's a novel. But "The Silken Swift" is a perfect size with a wow-pop! ending.

Also my stories "The Lady's Garden" and "The Boy WHo Drew Unicorns" are the right size for telling as well.


Richard Parks
Registered User
(6/28/02 7:49:50 am)
The subject got me thinking, and I realize I've never written a unicorn story. Dragons, fairies, wights, White Ladies, merrows, ghouls, vampires, ghosts, phookas, and ogres, but no unicorns. Have to think some more about that.

pauline storyteller
Registered User
(6/28/02 1:56:40 pm)
Re: Unicorns

Thanks for all the suggestions. Only problem is that none of this stories are available where I live. I have searched bought for titles and authors, so I don`t think I have missed them if they were published in some other anthologies.

I suppose none of them are available on the net? (Yes, I am looking for a short story - not a novel).

There is of course Amazon, but oh! All that waiting!


Edited by: pauline storyteller at: 6/28/02 1:59:45 pm
Unregistered User
(7/1/02 4:36:54 am)
unicorn story
There is a very interesting take on the unicorn story by Stephen Donaldson (author of the Thomas Covenent books) in his short story collection, "Daughters of Regals".

It's called "Mythological Beast".


Unregistered User
(7/1/02 5:33:47 am)
Once & Future King
One of the most hilarious and heartbreaking unicorn stories I can think of is the story of the Unicorn Hunt in T.H. White's _Once and Future King_. It involves the brothers Orkney and really sets up the tragedy of the Arthurian cycle, particularly as relates to loss-of-innocence. Perhaps a bit long for storytelling, but definitely worth mentioning among unicorn tales.

Also, some of the Serendipity books, morality tales written by Stephen Cosgrove in the 1970s, are back in print. There are several of his books that feature unicorns. (Misty Morgan; Morgan & Yew; Morgan Morning; Morgan & Me...)


Registered User
(7/2/02 11:26:37 am)
unicorn story

I do not see how you would need the fictional works of others to write your unicorn story. Use your bits of folklore, rattling them around until some pieces fall into place. Look for hidden meanings, connexions, et c. Then find some important human element that we will grasp.
It is true that not many ancient stories of the unicorn are preserved, but maybe they are not of that name. Look at the folk tale "The White Cat". The Cat herself might just as easily be replaced by the unicorn, grafting on the folklore and wisdom concerning the unicorn, and adjusting minor details to coincide.
But if you still want newer stories, you can type "unicorn stories" into a search engine and doubtless find enough to sate your desires. Good luck!

William Saxton
Registered User
(7/3/02 9:46:48 am)
Re: unicorn story
I have a unicorn story, male protagonist, published in a little magazine. It's no longer online. If you think it would be helpful I can send it.

William Saxton

Unregistered User
(9/6/02 5:23:41 am)
about the story you are looking for
hello i have a story about a horse actually but the unicorn plays a vital role in it. i have been trying to get it published for some time now but no luck. if you are interested in reading it i can email it to you. its not finished yet but the first part is very good thank you.

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