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(7/21/03 10:26 am)
More on Fairy Tales and Advertising...
I just came back from CVS where I saw a promotional display for one of L’Oréal's new Fall lines- Chérie Tale. I'm a sucker for anything fairy tale, faerie, pixie, etc, so I caved (I convinced myself that since I might be doing a fairy tale photoshoot for my friend's jewelry soon, I should get some fairy tale colors)- Pixie Dust lip gloss, Golden Apples lipstick, Pinch of Color (for lips and cheeks), and Enchanted Forest and Fairy Tales eyeshadow quads. I know, I know, I'm pathetic- happy with my new toys, but pathetic.

The new line isn't listed on their site yet, but they do have another line, Belle de Shell, advertised with a mermaid looking into a bubble at another version of herself with legs (very evocative of "Little Mermaid"):

L’Oréal Paris- Straight Laced

Has anyone else encountered advertising using fairy tales, folklore, or mythology? Terri, anything new on the Thermasilk campaign?

For those who haven't read the previous discussions, they can be found in the following threads:

fairy tales used in advertising

Fairy tale ads and images (pick-up from old posts)

Advertising again

Dandelion wishes,


Edited by: Kerrie at: 7/21/03 2:20 pm
(8/1/03 3:49 pm)
Re: Cherie Tale Press Release...
I have to admit, I've caved a bit more and bought a few more of these colors:

L'oreal Introduces * Cherie Tale * Fall 2003 * A Modern Twist on a Classic Story

Refused to get Bashful Browns, as it reminded me too much of a Disneyfied Snow White. A gal's got to have some limits.

Dandelion wishes,


Registered User
(8/1/03 4:10 pm)
Re: More on Fairy Tales and Advertising...
for years and years there was that "trainer" play makeup line for little girls, 'Tinkerbell'...which I havent thought of in years and years till your post brought up memories of the little packages piled on a pedestal, marked with a fairy...

Registered User
(8/2/03 2:51 am)
fairy tale ads
Kerrie, no, as far as I know there's nothing new happening with the old Thermasilk "fantasy" campaign. That was planned in the spring and summer before the 9/11 attacks in New York, and then got dropped in the more sober atmosphere on Madison Avenue afterwards.

(8/5/03 7:26 pm)
Tinkerbell and Thermasilk...
gormghlaith: I had nearly forgotten about that line of "cosmetics"- which reminded me of cosmetic-shaped pens and erasers and such. I remember a pen that was supposed to look like eyeliner or an eyeshadow pencil, that smelled like grape. Totally unrelated, I know.

Terri: Sorry to hear that. I'd prefer fantasy over sober any day, but I understand where they were probably coming from when they dropped it. I hope they pick it up again.

Dandelion wishes,


Unregistered User
(8/6/03 2:46 am)
Grape-smelling erasers and Sarah Brightman/Madonna
I do remember seeing and using grape-smelling erasers when I was a child...

Mmm. Speaking of fairy tale-inspired advertisements, how about something closely related - the music video/MTV (which does endorse the use of products with the use of popular icons)? Singers and stars readily make use of fairy tales and myths - perhaps, to show that there are many interpretations by different people?

I remember seeing a music video in which Sarah Brightman was featured. She was all garbed up like a fairy princess and her backdrop was all flowers and butterflies. The song, of course, was suitably magical and surreal.

Likewise, there is Madonna. The deepest impression I had of one of her music videos, 'Frozen' (I think), was that she was playing with the idea of the Morrighan, interweaving Celtic myths into her own cosmology. But then again, this is probably my own interpretation of the whole music video.


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