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Registered User
(8/25/03 2:53 pm)
Searching for Gnomes...
Here's quite the wild goose chase, for anyone to take part in...

I'm looking for a book I read and loved about twelve years ago. I can't remember the author or title (heck, I don't even know if it had a blue cover), but it was an illustrated hardcover book that told a story about gnomes. The story began with two adults being invited into a stranger's home and eating what I [i]think[/i] was elk-meat broth, and then becoming transformed into gnomes, the better to appreciate the natural world around them. The story then goes on to show how gnomes live and take care of the earth. It ends with the two men understanding their place in the world and resolving to save it from people who hold "ignorance is bliss" and "the world can heal itself" as mottos.

I remember the oddest details about it. For instance, the gnomes' toothbrushes were actually special twigs that you chewed one end of and used the other end to pick your teeth. I remember that their guide was hurt at some point and the two men had to use what they'd recently learned to help him. I remember the illustrations being beautiful. ...And that's about all I have to go on.

If this rings a bell with anyone, I'd love to hear about it.

Thanks alot,


Unregistered User
(8/27/03 2:09 pm)
Maybe this one?!

Hello Amal,
the description sounded a lot like a childhood favourite of mine:

Gnomes by Wil Huygen

Maybe this is the book you are looking for? I read it in German and there were actually two books, if I remember correctly - the "Book of gnomes" and the "Secret book of gnomes".

Registered User
(8/27/03 8:09 pm)
That's it!!

Thank you so much! "Secrets of the Gnomes," that's the one! I haven't read the Gnomes one -- I'll certainly have to now, though. "Secrets of the Gnomes" is out of print, but I just ordered a used copy from abebooks -- I can't wait to get it!

Thanks ever so very much,


Unregistered User
(8/28/03 2:16 pm)
Glad I could be of help!!
I'm glad I could help! I had almost forgotten the book - it was nice remembering it. Me and my friends had loads of fun with the book back then - of course, WE knew all about gnomes and those other beings after we read it, unlike all those adults around us. But then adults didn't know any important stuff anyway...
There was only one part I have always remembered - about a troll-like being that has a constantly dripping nose... It has such a big and ugly red nose, and it drips, and drips... This is exactly what I feel like when I have a vicious cold!!!
Greetings & thanks for reminding me about the book!

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