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Registered User
(12/20/03 10:08 pm)
Need help identifying a Fairy Tale
Please help me. I am trying to find the name/author of a fairy tale. All i know about it is: It is about a girl who gets lost in the woods, a dove brings here a key to a tree, she must steal a bird from a witch, and it turns out that the dove is a prince. It may be in a purple hardback book. This is a gift for someone very special to me, so, thank you in advance for the help.

Registered User
(12/22/03 12:44 am)
Re: Need help identifying a Fairy Tale
The story you have just described is similar to a story called "The White Dove", but more commonly titled "The Old Woman in the Wood". However, the dove is not the prince; the prince and his friends were turned into trees by the witch, and once the girl leans against the tree that is really the prince, the spell is broken. A little confusing, but I hope this is what you meant instead of the dove being the prince. Were you looking for one particular book of this story, or just a book that contained the story? I hope I've been of some help to you!


Registered User
(12/22/03 10:03 am)
Re: Need help identifying a Fairy Tale
i cant thank you enough for your help. I really appreciate it. thanks again.

Registered User
(12/22/03 8:11 pm)
Re: Need help identifying a Fairy Tale
You're very welcome.


Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(12/23/03 12:08 am)
dove as prince
I did a version of this where the dove is the prince. He turns back and forth from a dove to a tree, so it still ends with her leaning against the tree and the tree turning human. In my version she does have to steal a bird from the witch -- the dove, whom the witch has recaptured. This was one story in my first collection.

I don't remember how much of this was from the original, which was a very short story in an old version of Grimm. I'd have to hunt for it. My title is "The Enchanted Tree", which might have been the original title.

I added some animals and comedy in the middle of the story.


(All that's at my site now is the first page, but I could email the whole story to you if you like.)

Registered User
(12/23/03 11:12 am)
"The Old Woman in the Wood"
I own several books that contain this story, all of which entitle it either "The Old Woman in the Wood" or "The White Dove". All of these books have the prince turned into a tree by the witch, and the witch enchanted the dove so that it must remain in the woods. Once the girl accomplishes all the required tasks, she leans against the tree, and the prince and his friends are returned to normal. The spell is broken and the dove is able to fly free. I'm pretty sure this is the original version.


Registered User
(12/26/03 7:51 pm)
Thank you everyone for your help.

Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(12/31/03 12:13 am)
which books?
Which books do you have?


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