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Unregistered User
(2/15/03 4:33:16 am)
effects of fairy tales
hi, im doing an argumentative research paper on the effects of fairy tales on children. im having difficulty looking for sources to support my argument which is fairy tale has negative effects on children. im also having difficulty in discussing my ideas, can anyone suggest anything?tnx! i really nid ur help guys!!!

Unregistered User
(2/15/03 7:11:03 am)
Hmmm...since you've entered a board that generally tends to believe in the creative and positive effects of fairy tales and children it might be a little difficult to quickly come up with the documents that suggest differently.

Perhaps we could be a sounding board for your struggle to articulate your ideas? Why don't start with why you think they are a negative influence? Don't worry, if your thoughts seem a bit scattered, or disjointed...this is a discussion and thinking with our fingers on the keyboard is often messy. Also, we are very polite here--so don't fear being flamed. So...why do you think they are negative? (and are all all tales negative? or do you feel there are a few in particular? or is it the modern reproductions? Disney?...which actually some on the board would heartily agree with--although not because the tale was a bad influence, but the twisting of it into Disney's particular vision made it a dreadful surrogate for the real thing).

Registered User
(2/15/03 1:02:43 pm)
Uses of Enchantment
Bruno Bettelheim's "The Uses of Enchantment" makes the main point that fairy tales are quite a positive thing in children's lives, but I do remember something that might be useful to you. A father had used the Cinderella story as a sort of alternate reality with his daughter, which made the girl pretty warped. In that case it was more parental use of a fairy tale than the story itself that had the negative effect, but you may be able to use it.


Kevin Smith
Registered User
(2/16/03 10:19:04 am)
isn't this in the faq somewhere?
Jack Zipes.

Argues that fairy tales are used to socially condition children. Now this is *not necessarily a bad thing*, but, I recommend in particular his _The Trials and Tribulations of Red Riding Hood_, where he argues that Red Riding Hood has had a pernicious effect, especially when men have used it to argue that RRH (and other women) "get what they deserved".

There's a chapter in one of his books on how Hansel and Gretel legitimates child abuse. Can't remember which one.

Zipes also suggests ways in which fairy tales are good though, so you'll have to quote selectively. I also think you might want to look at books by Maria Tartar (_The hard facts_ especially), and you should also have a look at some of the criticism of Angela Carter's _The Bloody Chamber_. When it was released, many feminists (including Dworkin, I believe) argued that the fairy tale is an inherently misogynistic form. Books of criticism on Carter, including those by Linden Peach and Lorna Sage should help, as should Christina Bacchilegga's _Postmodern Fairy Tales_.

isthmus nekoi
Registered User
(2/18/03 9:58:57 am)
Re: isn't this in the faq somewhere?
I'm not sure of any relevant texts, but I think in recent times the fairytale has come to signify to many ppl impossible illusions b/c of the 'happily ever afters'. The fantastic nature of the fairy tale is now often associated by many ppl w/a perfect dream world that offers escapism and self delusion ie. one day, my prince will come etc

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