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Registered User
(2/6/03 3:10:23 pm)
Fairy Tale Show: Still Need Music
I just wanted to advertize a show I am directing that premieres this Sunday the 9th at ImprovBoston in Cambridge, MA. The show is called GrimmProv: an improvised faerie tale. $5 gets you into that show and the two shows that follow it. Our website is if you want more info.

Also, we are throwing this show together very quickly (only 4 rehearsals) and I'm still looking for suitable music to use as the opening theme. I have listened to a lot of stuff, but nothing seems to really fit the mood I am looking for. I want something fairy tale or fantasy themed, but at the same time, it has to be energetic. Most of the stuff I've listened to has a slow tempo or is too mellow. It's hard to describe exactly what I want. Think "Peter and the Wolf" but remixed with a techno beat. That's probably a really poor example, but that's the mood I'm going for at least. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Registered User
(2/6/03 3:17:42 pm)
Hansel und Gretel?
Some of the themes have lively rythms, and could easily be souped up!

Edited by: bielie at: 2/6/03 3:18:36 pm
Unregistered User
(2/6/03 4:33:52 pm)
Camille Saint-Seans. A lot of his music is whimsical and fairy-like. Or try music of his contemporaries, Gabriel Faure or Vincint d'Indy. Both wrote music based on French folk tunes. d'Indy writes nice piece called Istar Variations, based on the legend of Istar.

If you want more impressionistic works, try Pelleas by Debussy. Or la Valse by Ravel, about a waltz with the devil.

Or you might go with some of the great folklore inspired works of Lizt. Wagner, Mussorgsky (Pictures at an Exhibition or Songs and dances of Death), or Rimsky-Korsikov (try one of the variations from Sheherezade or Snow Maiden).

I can come up with more if none of these work.


Unregistered User
(2/6/03 4:37:02 pm)
Look for
techno/rock versions if you want. There have been some (The group Yes uses the Firebird suite). There is a group, I want to say the Trans-siberian orchestra, that does this.

Hope this helps.


(2/6/03 6:06:56 pm)
Around the corner...
I'm in Winchester, not too far away, if you want to borrow any of the following:

Faeries: A Musical Companion to the Art of Brian Froud (very mixed, a lot of techno, very faerie- see my review on for more info- there's a Cirque du Soleil song on it as well, Allegria)

Enya- Celts (there's a song called Fairytale that starts out soft, then builds up)

Secret Garden- Songs from a Secret Garden and Dawn of a New Century

Fleetwood Mac- The Dance (Rhiannon is a lovely song)

And I don't have it on CD yet, but the Labyrinth soundtrack (I do have an mp3 of "Sarah") or Legend soundtrack might be good.

I've always been a fan of the "Come Little Children" song that Sarah Jessica Parker sings in Hocus Pocus.

Quick, but important question, though- do you need to file licensing forms for Improv performances? If so, you may want to find a local Boston group that is willing to let you use their music in exchange for the free promotion by your using it.

Other than that, I have a whole slew of CDs that might help. Let me know if you need to borrow any soon- I'm heading out of town tomorrow night, so I can head in quick or something. Hope this helps!

Sugarplum dreams,


Unregistered User
(2/6/03 6:50:10 pm)
I agree with Kerrie that there might be some Enya, especially early Enya (1995 or so) that could be the ticket.


Registered User
(2/7/03 12:22:34 pm)
Sound & Spirit
Ellen Kushner, host of Sound & Spirit, (also of Boston) often visits the board. Her show explores stories and ideas through music. You can find her playlists online:


Registered User
(2/10/03 9:29:44 am)
GrimmProv went well
Thanks so much for all your suggestions. After listening to several of those songs (and about 50 others!) I finally ended up choosing a song called "Fable" by Robert Miles. I originally didn't want vocals, but the lyrics were just so appropriate.

The show went really well and we're probably going to be doing it again sometime.

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