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Author Comment
Unregistered User
(1/3/03 8:24:53 pm)
Jane Yolen
After reading your reply, I became starstruck. I am ecstatic that someone with experience in literature and a gift for writing would take the time to reply to my message. You said there was an interesting story behind your collaboration on "The Sleeping Beauty". If you would like to share it with me, please do so. I also have a question for you: How did you get your start as a writer, and what steps did you take to fulfill your dreams of becoming a writer? Many Thanks,


Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(1/4/03 7:19:05 am)
Gushing and stories
We have a No Gush Zone here at Surlalune. That's because we are filled with stars, including Terri Windling, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Greg Frost, Midori Snyder, Ellen Kushner, Ruth Sanderson and many many more.

As to the Sleeping Beauty story-- Ruth Sanderson (a friend and a neighbor, though several towns away)--was working on a project for a packager in which she was paid a gadzillion dollars to do the pictures for SB and they were going to write the book in-house. (That's why they could afford to pay her--they weren't paying a writer.) She had the entire book dummy done and already done more than half of the gorgeous pictures. All the models were already photographed, wearing the specially made costumes. (The models included my husband as the king, my daughter as the orange fairy, and me as the cook!) and Ruth was heading toward the finish line when the folks at the packagers decided they couldn't write the damned thing. So Ruth got me to do it (for a penny or three) which meant I had to retell the story while writing around the pictures already done and fitting the rest into the spaces left in the dummy.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, really.

It was a fun challenge, but not the way I like to write a book.

Still, I think it came out quite nicely and I have two of the original paintings--one Ruth gave me since my penny payment was rather shabby (the prince going through the briars) and one I bought years later as a present for my husband. (The picture of him as king watching the burning of the spindles.)


Unregistered User
(1/4/03 10:42:36 pm)
that's a WONDERFUL story about a story about a story Dear Jane. Also Dear Jordan, we have a "gushing reprieve" for special people like you. It's ok, really. Jane IS something else. truly. And so are all the other folks here. I still am awestruck too, mostly by the kindness of others.

Changing the subject for a moment, dear Jane, what is the SB reference in your note? Simon and Buster? Sarper Bollins? Sandom Bouse?

ok, ok, I go now

con cariņo,

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(1/5/03 3:36:12 am)
SB--Sleeping Beauty. No big deal.


Registered User
(1/5/03 12:49:16 pm)
Re: Jane Yolen
well jane, maybe not a "gush zone", but perhaps this is a place akin to Tolkien's "Hall of Fires" - where wise masters of lore pass on a bit of information, insight, wisdom,and inspiration from time to time - and where the rest of us folks, might occasionally get to express a little awe, an occasional gush or two, but mostly deep respect and gratitude for the good medicine you bring through your work- i for one, feel that I am standing on the shoulders of giants around here - if I, too, feel a little starstruck, it's because you and so many others on this board have kept the magic alive for me... especially during those times when the world seemed otherwise, to be a pretty dreary place.

Blessings, margaret

Registered User
(1/5/03 2:15:41 pm)
I may not have gushed when I met you at WFC, Jane, and I may have treated you with the same irreverance I treat about anyone...
But I have to say, your down-to-earth friendliness impressed me.
Not gushy, meaningless, fake-nice; not *Rock Star*. Just people. Good for you.

Unregistered User
(1/5/03 6:41:57 pm)
Appreciation - not gushing

I think too that you are very generous. You are always very careful to share the credit with others. You give great advice and you are willing to share knowledge. Gushing? No. Just appreciative of a true mentor, teacher, and talent. I have found in my limited experience that often those who have the most reason to be arrogant are just the opposite. You fall squarely in that category, dear Jane.


Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(1/6/03 4:10:15 am)
I think we can seriously call this catagory closed!

Of course I have a lot of folks at home who keep me honest. Recently, a review spoke of my "huge canon" of books and my 7 year old granddaughter now uses this at every opportunity. As in, "Nana, you can't fit in there--you have a huge canon!"


Registered User
(1/6/03 12:29:49 pm)
Nope, just look on page 71 of the January 2003 Locus to see who *really* keeps Jane from getting the big head.

Registered User
(1/6/03 12:30:59 pm)
Re: Closed
Ah, but I can see the anthology now:
"The Incredibly Huge Canon of Jane Yolen."


Registered User
(1/6/03 1:01:40 pm)
I can imagine that many male writers would envy her that...

Unregistered User
(2/10/03 5:34:26 pm)
I'm not on crack, but
I think any man would envy a huge canon no matter what kind, if you get my drift.

I know that I was both shocked and thrilled to discover a place where you can chat with your idols. However I will not "gush" I'm sure it gets irritating. Besides everyone has a different skill. Mine happens to be reading. Yes... I read skillfully. It takes great effort.
But what else can one do when they suck at sports.
But to the point. I have a short short short story and I was wondering if someone would be interested in looking at it and telling me if it waas any good? I can e-mail it if ya like.


Unregistered User
(2/10/03 9:44:10 pm)
I also think it is terrific that there's a place where you can interact and exchange ideas with writers whose work (and literary movement) you greatly admire and believe in. The only one missing from this board is Charles DeLint. But I am more a fan of ones writings. Being able to talk to Terri and Jane and others is great fun, but so is talking to everyone here, because ideas is what this is about. This place is a rich depository of information and inspiration. I don't even know who she/they are, but many thanks to the curator(s) for providing this place for us.

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(2/11/03 4:31:16 am)
Funny that this topic should pop on my screen today. It's my birthday.


Unregistered User
(2/11/03 6:05:48 am)
Happy Birthday
And a very happy birthday to you dear Jane.

Yours in stories, Gail (de Vos)

Unregistered User
(2/11/03 8:06:47 am)
Feast of St. Caedmon

Today is also the Feast of St. Caedmon, said to be the first poet in the English language. One night at dinner the harp was being passed around the table and each person recited poetry, but Caedmon knew nothing about poetry and left the table in shame.

That night, sleeping in the stable, he heard a voice say to him, "Sing to me Caedmon."

Caedmon protested, saying he knew nothing of poetry, but the voice repeated, "Sing to me Caedmon, sing of the Creation." And so Caemon sang.

When he woke, he remembered the verses and recited them to the monks at the monastery. They were amazed and and agreed that he had been given a divine gift. Caedmon spent the rest of his life transposing biblical stories into song.

Happy Birthday,

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(2/11/03 9:54:11 am)
Thanks for that story, Sarah. I had never heard it. (It sure explains Caedmon records, doesn't it!)


Unregistered User
(2/11/03 10:38:41 am)
Well, in that case....
...allow me to break tradition and gush:


and thanks for the many fine books you've written.

Unregistered User
(2/11/03 11:03:19 am)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, Jane! I hope you have a fabulous day with friends and family.


Registered User
(2/11/03 11:37:30 am)
Re: Jane Yolen
Happy Birthday Jane!!! May this birthday be a blessed and magical one, indeed. Do you have a special birthday tradition in the Yolen/Stemple household? Please do check back in and share some of the highlights of your day.

...and heartfelt thanks for the many enchanting moments you've given me through your work.

blessings, margaret

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(2/12/03 3:21:39 am)
my bday
We don't have magical birthdays in this family. So I simply worked during the day (finished a retelling of Swan Lake, revised The Radiation Sonnets AGAIN!) and then at dinner, made by my daughter, opened my few presents. A cut paper birthday cake from my 7 year old granddaughter (no calories you see!), a new gorgeous chain for my eyeglasses, a set of tickets for a jazz pianist on Thursday, and a gift certificate for a local day spa. (Where I will go a week from today.)

Friday we will have a dinner party for 25 guests.


Registered User
(2/12/03 8:51:11 am)
Re: my bday
Ah, but Jane it sounds quite magical to me - i.e. spending the day doing the work you love and being with the people dearest to you - Thank you for sharing.

Blessings, Margaret

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