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Registered User
(1/5/03 12:41:36 pm)
Queries and Thanks
In reading all these postings and researching the literary merits of adapted fairy tales, I find myself wondering how to define the role that they fill in the literary world and in our society today. I would really appreciate any and all insights, opinions, random thoughts, etc... The more, the merrier.

I'd also like to ask Mrs. Windling and Mrs. Yolen, as a side bar, what you feel you get out of working on projects like "The Fairy Tale Series" and what impact you think the books have on the genre of fairy tales as a whole?

Thank you to all the posters for being a constant source of new and thought-provoking ideas. I am eternally in your debt.


Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(1/6/03 4:20:50 am)
No Mrs. Windling or Mrs. Yolen here. Terri isn't married, and I am married to Dr. Stemple. Other than that I won't presume to answer for her.

I write what I want, what comes to me. I don't set myself a task of wondering what place I am filling, or what role my stories will have in literature. I really see myself as a storyteller. And am always astonished at how well received my work is.


Registered User
(1/6/03 12:36:57 pm)
Pullman's response
I just read a lovely article by Philip Pullman on writing: And he speaks to the question of what you get out of writing fairy tales/fantasy quite a bit. Here's one quote that seems quite relevant to this question--at least, it answers for me as well:

"...Almost the last in my list of responsibilities is this: we have to pay attention to what our imagination feels comfortable doing. In my own case, for reasons too deeply buried to be dug up, I have long felt that realism is a higher mode than fantasy; but when I try to write realistically, I move in boots of lead. However, as soon as the idea comes to me, for example, of little people with poison spurs who ride on dragonflies, the lead boots fall away, and I feel wings at my heels. For many reasons (which, as I say, are beyond the reach of disinterment) I may regret this tendency of my imagination, but I can't deny it. Sometimes our nature speaks more wisely than our convictions, and we'll only work well if we listen to what it says."


Registered User
(1/6/03 1:00:17 pm)
Much appreciated
Thanks you both for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it. Once again this board has given me something to think about.

Greg - The quote is perfect. Is there a link where I could see the entire article?

Ms. Yolen - Sorry about the name mix-up. I'll be sure to stick to "Ms." from now on to avoid a repeat.


Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(1/6/03 4:31:40 pm)
Or stick to Jane. Otherwise you would have to call Greg Mr. Frost and Charles Mr. Vess. I thought we were equal on the boards.


Registered User
(1/8/03 9:49:12 am)
Re: Ms-stake
Lexi (Sarah),
There are a lot of interviews with Pullman on the internet, and naturally among them I can't find the article *I* read and downloaded. But if you want to pass your email address on to me (mine's under my user info), I'll email you the complete article as an attachment.

Greg (I was going to insist on being called Professor Wagstaff, but Groucho already used it)

Richard Parks
Registered User
(1/8/03 12:02:11 pm)
Re: Ms-stake
You can be Professor Wagstaff if you want. I want to be Captain Spaulding.

Registered User
(1/8/03 1:50:37 pm)
Sorry again!
It seems I have "Ms"-stepped again. I'm sorry I got the protocol mixed up. I just wasn't sure how I should address everyone, seeing as I'm a student and many of you are writers whose works I have read and enjoyed. I meant no offense. ( I wouldn't have presumed to call Greg by his first name if he hadn't already replied as such to one of my earlier postings. ) Once again I apologize. Hopefully I've got it down now.


Heidi Anne Heiner
(1/8/03 4:12:49 pm)
Re: Sorry again!

Don't worry about it! I have suffered the intimidation factor myself at times in other places, but we are all friends here. Everyone goes by first names unless a request is made otherwise. It's even easier so that titles don't intimidate and to avoid the confusion over what titles apply to who and when.


Unregistered User
(1/8/03 4:32:37 pm)
merits of adapted fairy tales
How to define the role that literary merits of adapted fairy tales fill in the literary world and in our society today. Perhaps it could be said that adapted fairy tales reflect a changing culture, revealing ourselves to ourselves.

Unregistered User
(1/8/03 10:28:52 pm)
no sorry necessary
Dear Lexi, I have to concur with Heidi. Just my two cent's worth, but amongst us Latinas, many of us cringe at being addressed as Ms. anyway. That was a moniker decided by a small group of folks who never consulted us. (grin) We tend when we use our titles to go by the translated Spanish to English, Seņorita, Seņora, Profesora/o, Doctoro/a, Miss, Mrs. Professor, Doctor, etc... Just to complicate everything a little (grin)
Also, amongst many Latinas and other minority groups in the USA, the titles of Professor and Doctor are still so rare and so hard won, that plus, depending on the person's age, it would be disrespectful to address them by first name unless they offered first. Though some people just in general almost seem to scorn their own titles, many of the minority groups have not had them long enough to join in on that. I remember once an enthusiastic conference convener had just met and addressed Maya Angelou as "Maya." I think she was just trying to show friendliness in a way that made sense from her own background. But her background and Dr. Angelou's were very different. Dr. Angelou drew herself up to her near 6 foot tall height and said in that slow precise exceedingly regal way she has, My. Name. Is. Dr. Angelou. The woman who had addressed her by her first name was embarrassed that she did not know the protocol, but made the turn admirably. The exchange had nothing to do with pomposity nor disrespect. It was just two different cultural backgrounds and ways of moving in the world clashing a bit. (Ah, so many social conventions to find one's way through in a pluralistic culture, but I am game to try to sail others' self-preferred currents, as long as they don't try to rearrange my sails-- grin)

This is all just to say, I think you are doing just fine.
all best,

Unregistered User
(1/9/03 3:40:53 am)
It's very similar
in Austria. Everyone is Herr Professor or Frau Professor or Herr Dr etc from when I have been there or when my relatives come to the UK. They never understand the lack of formality, which they see as a lack of respect for hard work.

Unregistered User
(1/9/03 7:25:54 am)
More on Monikers
Lexi et al,

When I first started posting on this board there was a query about the impact of the internet. One of the debates was over the free-flow of information and whether this was due, at least in part, by the anonimity granted board participants. I think that part of the lack of monikers is so that, we are all on a level plane, but also to help maintain that anonimity if desired. Interestingly, it is only when identity is revealed that one can be addressed formally as Ms. or Mr. (or Herr Professor), and thus, one reveals himself/herself at a possible cost to the board - i.e. those intimidated by the revealers presence; the benefit, of course, is that it gives the board the appearance of greater authority. Note that the authority was always there just "disguised." Also, and certainly in our case, this is offset by the openness of the "revealers." Just a thought.


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