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Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(6/21/03 6:27 pm)
Re: 100 word exercise!!!
I've been having fun with about 150 or 200 word exercises: trying to fit a whole scene in. Nice pace, uncluttered.


Unregistered User
(6/21/03 6:31 pm)
Adverbs, and good writing
My rule is: if you can change the verb and ditch the adverb, do it.

"He went slowly" -> "He crept"
"He went carefully" -> ... I can't think of another way to say this, so I'll keep it.

Rules are made to be broken, but if I can say the same thing in fewer words, I usually will.

...How to improve one's writing: if I knew I'd do it! Best I know is: write. And read. And get critiques.

Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(6/21/03 7:03 pm)
Re: Adverbs, and good writing
Sounds like a good standard, within reason. Tho too many 'vivid' verbs become ... too many. :-)

I find adverbs useful for beginning sentences:

Carefully, he made his way through the wreckage.

It kind of softens the sentence, signals to the reader that this isn't going to be vivid action quite yet, it's just leading up to something (or winding down from something).


Registered User
(6/22/03 1:19 am)
Left Brain v Right Brain
I'm interested in your emphasis on left brain! Probably because since my very logical orderly scientific children have flown the nest, I feel such a sense of freedom in indulging my right brain!!! It's made me realise how much western education leads you down the logical path and how restricting that is. Have you read "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"? I think much of what she says applies to writing too.


Unregistered User
(6/22/03 5:33 pm)
Here's an idea...
I think the idea is interesting, although I would try my hardest to do something different from other works such as "The Tenth Kingdom" and "Into the Woods", which bring many characters from many fairy tales together. Don't portray the lives of the princesses as if they came out of a Disney movie; incorporate the darker sides to the well known stories they came from. The original stories were much more dark. In Cinderella, once the prince asks for her to be his wife, the stepmother and stepsisters get their eyes pecked out. In Snow White, the Queen goes to Snow White's wedding and she is forced to put on a pair of red-hot iron slippers and dance until she dies. But in Sleeping Beauty, we do not know what happens to the evil fairy after her curse is foiled. She does not die, nor does she seek further revenge. I would definetely make her a main player; maybe have her restore the stepmother's and stepsister's sight, and bring the Wicked Queen back to life. From there they could plot against their rivals. Maybe do something like make the stepmother and stepsisters give Sleeping Beauty a poisoned apple, make the evil fairy summon birds to peck out Snow White's eyes, and the Wicked Queen poison a spindle and give it to Cinderella to prick her finger with. Feel free to experiment and have fun. Don't take it too seriously. Anything can happen in a fairy tale!

Unregistered User
(6/22/03 7:13 pm)
Sleeping Beauty
<b>The original stories were much more dark. In Cinderella, once the prince asks for her to be his wife, the stepmother and stepsisters get their eyes pecked out. In Snow White, the Queen goes to Snow White's wedding and she is forced to put on a pair of red-hot iron slippers and dance until she dies. But in Sleeping Beauty, we do not know what happens to the evil fairy after her curse is foiled.</b>

On the other hand, we do know that they have to deal with the prince's cannibalistic mother, who tries to eat their twin children and then Sleeping Beauty herself. In the nicer versions. In the nastier version, they have to deal with the prince's jealous wife (justly jealous -- they were married before he woke Sleeping Beauty, which, shall we say, he did not do with a kiss), who also tries to eat their twin children and then tries to have Sleeping Beauty executed.

Unregistered User
(6/23/03 6:09 pm)
Sleeping Beauty
I've read that version! The princess is sleeping and once the prince finds her, he rapes her instead of kissing her. He then leaves the castle, as if nothing ever happened. When the princess does wake up, she has given birth to twins. I've read it a while ago, so correct me if I'm wrong. Definetely not the version I prefer.

Registered User
(6/23/03 7:14 pm)
Sleeping Beauty
That version is called "Sun, Moon, and Talia". It's Italian. I am including it and many other older, less known versions of the fairy tales in a graphic novel I am working on.

I have a question for you. Would it be more interesting (not just for people on this board, but the general public) for the book to include mostly much older versions of the fairy tales they think they know (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, etc.) or several they have probably never heard of (Bearskin, The Boy Who Had Never Seen A Woman, etc.)? Both? I have a list of artists who want to participate and need more stories, but aren't sure which way to head. Suggestions?

Unregistered User
(6/24/03 6:35 pm)
You might get more of a response if you started a new thread.

But I think several new ones might be nice. If only for those reader who actually do know their fairy tales.

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