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Unregistered User
(6/26/03 8:48 pm)
rock music referencing fairy tales
Hi - Can anyone help me with a project I'm working on? I'm looking for music - preferably rock music - that has fairy tale references in the lyrics. Thanks so much for your assistance!

Registered User
(6/27/03 4:46 am)
Los Lobos
The Los Lobos song, "Colossal Head", from the CD of the same name, references and plays off Little Red Riding Hood's comments to the wolf when he's in grandma's guise.


Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(6/27/03 5:13 am)
English Folk Rock and Fairy...
Begining in the late 1960'2 (following in the footsteps of the then current Folk Music Revival) there were any number of English bands using strong Rock and Roll influences in there adaptations of the old ballads or newly written songs deeply influenced by same. Fairport Convention's LIEG AND LEAF is a prime example. Steeleye Span soon followed with many, many albums (PARCEL OF ROGUES, ALL AROUND MY HAT, BELOW THE SALT, TONIGHTS THE NIGHT, etc.) even hitting the top 40 pop charts in England several times. Another English group, Pentangle enfused their tunes with jazz as well as rock influences (CRUEL SISTER). The lyrics of many of Led Zep's early songs are charged with reference to myth and fairy. And Traffic leaped into the fray with an excellent cover of John Barrlycorn on their album, JOHN BARRLYCORN MUST DIE (?).

Some of today's bands are continuing to follow down this same trail although their music is now encompassing world music rythyms. Capercaille, Ashely MacIssac, Boiled in Lead, Peatbog Faeries, Seelyhoo, etc. There are also LOTS of Goth Rock groups that use Ballad lyrics (King Henry being a favorite for some strange reason) but I forget there names. Loreena McKennit, Old Blind Dogs, and The Molly's are some other good ones.

I'm sure I'm forgetting quite a few others...

Good luck on your quest,

Unregistered User
(6/27/03 8:48 am)
Fairy Tale references in rock music
I know I have heard a lot, although I can only remember a few at the moment. One of them is Faith Hill's "This Kiss", in which she sings "Cinderella said to Snow White". There is a song called "Little Red Riding Hood", although I'm not sure who sings it. Metellica sings a song in which they make a reference to Peter Pan: "we're off to Never Never Land." Tori Amos released a song recently called " A Sort of Fairy Tale". Britney Spears also has a song called "Cinderella".

Heidi Anne Heiner
(6/27/03 10:07 am)
Re: Fairy Tale references in rock music
For country music, there is Suzy Bogguss' "Hey, Cinderella." I'm Nashville-born, so I have to know these things.

For classic 60s rock, there is also Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs' "L'il Red Riding Hood." It is the first thing that popped into my head when I read your question. It always gave me chills as a kid.

Also, if you go to, you can search for many songs by title. I just tried Cinderella and Red Riding Hood and many titles came up--not necessarily rock, but all genres.

Maybe someday I'll get more music up on SurLaLune. Actually, sharing your final list would be a great help! I've neglected music. Right now I am adding more poetry and such that is out of copyright.


Unregistered User
(6/27/03 8:31 pm)
Electric Light Orchestra, Eldorado (album): Ivanhoe, Robin Hood, Lancelot ... ok, not fairy tales precisely, but close.

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(6/28/03 1:24 am)
Am I misremembering? I think we have a long thread about this in the archives.


Heidi Anne Heiner
(6/28/03 10:30 pm)
Re: Before?
Great memory, Jane! That discussion was over two years ago. Here's a link:



Unregistered User
(6/29/03 9:04 am)
re: rock music referencing fairy tales
Hey - thanks so much everyone... couldn't find it in the archives and I appreciate all the help! -Brenna

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