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Registered User
(5/30/03 9:56 pm)
WisCon report?
Calling all attendees: anyone up for letting the rest of us know how Wiscon went this year?

I'm all ears!

Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(6/1/03 7:48 am)
A splendid time
Well I for one had a splendid time. I was able to meet Ursulla Le Guin very briefly. As she is one of my heroes it was hard to know
what to say but she appeared to be having a good time at the convention. I went to the 'conversation' rather than panel with Le Guin
and Carol Emshwieller (one of the GoH) which was a delight. It proofed to be a lively conversation between two old friends rather
than the more typical stiff, formal interview. Other panels/readings were exciting. The food in a multitude of nearby venues was
delicious and multi-cultural (Laotion food anyone?) Late one night I found my way to a reading by Ellen Kushner from her and
Delia's A FALL OF KINGS. It was wonderful to hear all that pithy dialogue tumble from the mouth of one of it's sources. I sat on lively
panels with many from this board (Hello one and all!) Terri Windling and I presented a slide show of contemporary 'visionary' artists
which had it formative beginnings right here on this very discussion board to a packed house (albeit in a small room). Late night
conversations abounded and many intellectual borders were crossed and recrossed. The art show begins to show signs of
livening up, this year with evocative art by Terri, A.B. Word and others. I think that the convention has reached the size that it should
be. It is easy to find who you want to find and not frantic enough to be able to talk with them when you do find them. I will be there
again next year for sure.


Rose Deo
Unregistered User
(6/1/03 2:45 pm)
Name of the conference?
I know I am showing my ignorance ....but what is this conference you are all talking about? It sounds really interesting and I would love some more details about it - ie. will there be any more?is this an annual thing?

Registered User
(6/2/03 5:46 am)
Re: Name of the conference?
It's called Wiscon. It's the annual gathering of the feminist SF community. It's been going for 27 years now. It's a blast. Info at:

Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(6/4/03 6:55 pm)
You wont remember meeting me at WisCon two years ago but my pals (Terri, Midori, Delia and Ellen, etc.) speak very highly of you and your guest of honor speech was splendid.

I hope I bump into you at San Diego Comic Con in July but I've been attending now for going on 20 years and it's grown amazingly over the last several years (65,000 people and counting) so seeing anyone you want to see, absolutely anyone, is difficult to say the least.

I'll be at my own booth (Green Man Press) in that vast populous hall and if you find yourself drifting by my table please stop and say hello.

The same goes for another semi regular of this board Carolyn Dunn (and really anyone else that visits these pages and finds themselves in San Diego during Comic Con). I hope you can make it down again this year and say hello!


Registered User
(6/5/03 8:19 pm)
Re: Nalo...
Charles, was at least one of those meetings on the top floor of the Wiscon hotel, where a bunch of you were sitting on couches and the floor just outside the little bar that's up there? I remember desperately wishing I could just sit and gab--you all looked like you were having so much fun--but I had to go and finish writing the dang speech. At least I'd done the research already (sorry, that's from another thread.) I'm glad that you enjoyed it. It was short, but with speeches, short is probably better. I'll look out for you at the comics con. I'm thrilled to have been invited. I kind of bobble about on the periphery of the comics world, interested but not very connected or focussed. I'd like to write a comic or graphic novel at some point, but I don't have a solid idea yet.

Registered User
(6/22/03 4:15 pm)

Re: WisCon report?
sorry i haven't been in these parts lately. wiscon was awesome except that i was as sick as a dog and doped up. however, my clogged ears made having a room on the party floor (6) bearable.

i loved the GoH pairing of 30-year-old China Mieville and 82-year-old Carol Emshwiller. and they are both lovely funny people.

of course i saw lots of boardposters -- Charles and Terri and Ellen and Helen and Midori and everyone i have forgotten.

we missed you, Nalo! will you come next year? i have convinced Nina to come!

Registered User
(6/26/03 5:51 am)
Re: WisCon report?
Hey, Sharon. You were sick at Wiscon? Bleagh. I've finally learned--after numerous episodes of being horribly sick from foreign microbes to which I had little resistance--that whenever I travel to cons, I should start doping up on echinaceae ahead of time and keep taking it throughout the event. If I don't, I invariably get ill.

As to Wiscon next year, I always hope to come, but it depends on the health of the coffers.

Registered User
(6/26/03 1:39 pm)

Re: WisCon report?
well, you won't have to pay the membership fee, so that's a little help!

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