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Registered User
(8/18/03 6:24 pm)
Labyrinth novel?
My question is for those of you familiar with Labyrinth, the 80s film starring David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, and several Henson puppets.

At the start of the film Sarah (Connelly) is reading aloud from a book, in a later scene she continues the story for her baby brother and the plot closely mirrors that of the movie. Does anyone know whether such a book exists? I know that there is a novel that essentially transcribes the movie, but I'm looking for the fairy-tale it might have been based on..or even a book written after the movie but with that concept in mind.

I've been looking for a long time, so I'm crossing my fingers. Any ideas would be helpful.

Thank you.

Registered User
(8/19/03 11:31 am)
Re: Labyrinth novel?
Ah Labyrinth- at 9 I considered the Goblin King to be the ideal man. When I was even younger my mother read me a wonderful story by Maurice Sendak called Outside Over There-one of my favorites and, I'm pretty sure, the book the movie is based on. As for the book or play read aloud in the movie- I have no idea what that is or if it exists, but good luck finding out!

(8/19/03 1:48 pm)
Outside Over There
Unless I'm mistaken, OOT was published in 1989, whereas Labyrinth was released in 1986. I believe it was based off a piece of art by Brian Froud, Toby and the Goblins. Terry Jones was involved in the writing, which might explain a lot of the more, erm, eccentric characters. I'm not sure about the book, though, as I've been wondering about it myself for years.

For more Labyrinth information than you probably want to know (including the original script):

Think Labyrinth, The Movie!

Dandelion wishes,


Registered User
(8/19/03 1:14 pm)
Re: Outside Over There
After seriously doubting my memory (again) I found on the internet that Outside Over There was published in 1981 (although the edition on came out in 1989, it lists all the awards the book recieved in '81 and '82 in the book description). One fan site even said that Jim Henson credited Maurice Sendak at the end of Labyrinth- as an inspiration, I think, not as the sole basis as I originally thought. Still, no word on the book within the movie...

---while trolling around I found the "official website" of Return to the Labyrinth, a sequel starring Jennifer Connelly and Angelica Houston, complete with a movie poster and script. I'm pretty sure it's just an elaborate fan creation, but who knows? It's at

Edited by: gormghlaith at: 8/19/03 1:26 pm
(8/19/03 3:22 pm)
Where the Wild Things Are...
Thank you for the correction- I was using Amazon, as I couldn't find my copy. ::slap on the wrist:: Bad Kerrie!

I believe the credit to Sendak related to Where the Wild Things Are, since the book is sitting on Sarah's shelves, and Ludo and some of the goblins seem to be picked up right from the book.

Now I'm really curious about OOT...

Dandelion wishes,


Registered User
(8/19/03 1:32 pm)
Re: Where the Wild Things Are...
You're right, Kerrie; anyway the movie seems to take so many snippets from art and folklore- like that whole MC Escher chase scene at the end- I'm not sure why I thought it was all based on that (great) little book. Dandelion wishes to you, too!

---the search for Sarah's book gets more and more fun- the little boy in the movie, Toby, was Brian and Wendy Foud's son? And fan fiction where Buffy the Vampire Slayer is trapped in the Labyrinth? I wouldn't doubt that, even if Sarah's Labyrinth book wasn't 'real', some devoted fan has made it so by now!

Edited by: gormghlaith at: 8/19/03 1:40 pm
(8/19/03 4:12 pm)
Re: Where the Wild Things Are...
"the little boy in the movie, Toby, was Brian and Wendy Foud's son?"

Oh yes, Toby Froud was baby Toby. You can find more information about him here:

World of Froud: Toby Froud

Endicott Studio: Toby Froud- A Brief Biography

Brian and Wendy met on the set of The Dark Crystal (she was then Wendy Midener).

I had actually wondered about OOT and Labyrinth, but thought it was just a coincidence- I'll let you know if I find any more info.

And yes, there is a little bit of everything in that movie.

Dandelion wishes,


Ron McCutchan
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 4:30 pm)
Return to the Labyrinth--info
Apparently this is either an extreme example of wishful thinking or a hoax. I did a Google on this and found the following thread on a Jim Henson Company/Muppet forum--fyi (if only to see a discussion board ENTIRELY unlike Sur La Lune)

Registered User
(8/20/03 12:01 am)
Re: Return to the Labyrinth--info
The Frouds are friends of mine and live right up the road, so I'll *try* to remember to ask about the book when I see them this weekend. (I have a mind like a sieve these days.)

I can confirm, however, that the plot for the movie was cooked up between Brian Froud and Jim Henson, based on a painting Brian had done of a baby surrounded by goblins, which in turn was based on the many "changeling" legends in British faery lore about babies stolen by faeries or goblins.(You can read more about changelings here: Terry Jones wrote a draft of the script -- I think it was the first draft, but I'm not entirely sure about that. I've heard that Terry's draft was hilarious, but had to be toned down to keep the studio happy.

Toby was not yet conceived or born when Brian painted the picture of the baby with the goblins, but the baby looks astonishingly like Toby all the same. By the time the movie was made, Toby had entered the world and thus became the baby in the film. He's now 19, vastly talented in his own right, and heading to art college in London. We're all going to miss having him around.

Is there really fan fic about Buffy in the Labryrinth? Both Toby and Wendy (though not Brian) are Buffy fans. What's the URL?

Edited by: Terri at: 8/20/03 12:24 am
Registered User
(8/20/03 4:34 am)
Re: Return to the Labyrinth--info
is the inspiration painting online anywhere? the Buffy-Labyrinth fan fiction is at

I didnt get a chance to read it- I hope they enjoy it!

Have they seen the Return to the Labyrinth site? That must have been a labor of love for some fan, too. The script is something like a hundred pages alone. I posted it above.

Edited by: gormghlaith at: 8/20/03 4:38 am
(8/20/03 7:19 am)
Toby and the Goblins...
There are prints available of Toby and the Goblins on the World of Froud site:

Goblin Market™ / World of Froud™ Store: Posters/Prints

You can see the image a little better here:

Dreamweaver Studios- Brian Froud, "Toby & the Goblins"

And here is a picture of the *real* Toby with some *real* goblins (or at least the puppet versions):

World of Froud- Films- Background

Dandelion wishes,


Registered User
(8/20/03 8:43 am)
Re: Toby and the Goblins...
Thanks for the links, Kerrie, and the 'real' story Terrie!

And good luck still to Lexi!

Registered User
(8/25/03 1:49 am)
Re: Toby and the Goblins...
Lexi, Wendy Froud says that the story in the book is a made-up one, based on Changeling folklore in general, not a specific fairy tale.

Unregistered User
(9/13/03 12:17 pm)
I can't thank you all enough for your responses. This question has been plauging me for a long time. At least now I know that the book doesn't exist. *Sigh*

I can't wait to check out all of the links you have all posted. They definitely sound right up my alley.

A special thanks to Terri for going right to the source. Please pass on my gratitude to the Frouds, both for the info, and their amazing work.


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