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Unregistered User
(8/18/03 4:22 pm)
The Moon
I have just watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" and is immediately struck by something in the movie. Not that it has two dashing actors in it but I am drawn to the use of the moon. For those who haven't watched it, there are some spoilers ahead:

The cursed pirates of the Black Pearl are revealed to be walking dead/cadavers under the moonlight (or in the movie a couple of times, the full moon).

I might be reading too much into the movie but the moon, to me, acts as an illuminating/revealling device, in that it shows the true faces of the villains, that as the walking dead. It also occurs to me that the moonlight is seen as something pure - like silver.

I am wondering if there are any fairy tales or folklore with the moon acting in this way (revealing the true hearts of bad guys or good guys, if there are such stories!). Stories with werewolves changing under the auspices of the full moon are also allowed.



Registered User
(8/19/03 6:53 am)
Re: The Moon
it may not be scholarly, but this site has an overview of folklore pertaining to the moon:

i especially liked that the moon "treasured everything that is wasted on the earth, such as misspent time and prayers, fruitless tears, and unfulfilled desires and intentions"

it reminded me of the kingdom of the moon in
'Baron Munchausen'

Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(8/19/03 8:20 am)
Re: The Moon
This might not be exactly what you're looking for but one of my favorite folk tales is "The Dead Moon" about the moon's capture by the will-o-whisps and the dead and the witches of the boglands. She's then saved by a wise woman and the villagers who live around the boglands. She's captured and saved because she protects people travelling through the bogs. You can find the story in Katherine Briggs BRITISH FOLKLORE. I looked for an online version but didn't find one.


chirons daughter
Registered User
(8/19/03 6:25 pm)
captured moon
Clarissa Pinkola Estes does a very astute analysis of that story -- I think it's in "Warming the Stone Child."

chirons daughter
Unregistered User
(8/19/03 6:26 pm)
captured moon
Clarissa Pinkola Estes does a very astute analysis of that story -- I think it's in "Warming the Stone Child."

Unregistered User
(8/19/03 6:59 pm)
Thanks, everyone, for the references and great links!

Chiron's daughter, I seem to recall a similar (if not the same) story by Jane Yolen as well.

Interestingly enough, the Midautumn Festival is fast approaching (in about a month's time) and we do celebrate the full moon with mooncakes and lanterns.


chirons daughter
Registered User
(8/23/03 3:53 pm)
moon box
There's a nice little boxed set of four small volumes called The Moon Box (I guess this is free advertising? I received it as a gift, and I loved it) that comes from Chronicle Books, edited by John Miller and Tim Smith, that pulls quite a diverse collection of moon lore, goddess lore, werewolf lore, and voyage to the moon stories. There'd be something in there useful to you! at/go(bookRecord,0811810607)

Unregistered User
(8/24/03 8:57 am)
Thank you.
Thanks Chiron's daughter.

A question, linked to the topic - out of curiosity:

Is anyone here affected by the moon cycles (new, waxing, full, waning)? Likewise, does anyone find his or her creativity peaking or waning with the moon?


Registered User
(8/24/03 2:00 pm)
Moon cycles
I do notice that my dreams seem to be effected by the moon. I have the most intense, dramatic and emotional dreams near the full moon, and much more introspective, quiet and symbolic dreams around the dark of the moon. I had no idea that this was really happening until I started dream journaling and found there was a definate pattern, a waxing and waning - literally - of emotional and symbolic intensity that corresponded with the moon cycle.

I'm sure other things are effected as well - I just happened to actually document this one.


Registered User
(8/24/03 2:28 pm)
Correlation does not infer causation...
I could absolutely link my moods to the moon as they go in a 28 day cycle, but as I am on oral contraceptives which hormonally regulate my body in a 28-day cycle, I doubt the moon has much of anything to do with it.

More on-topic, the only fairy tle that popped into my head was East of the Sun and West of the Moon, though it doesn't actually have anything about the moon in it. But a quick search brought up a 1959 film called Moon Fairy-Tale which might be interesting.

Registered User
(8/25/03 1:13 pm)
Grimm's The Moon
Not sure why I didn't think of this right away, but how about Grimm's <a href="">The Moon</a>. It's kind of a bizarre little explanation of why the moon waxes and wanes, but it does involve the dead coming out to play in the moonlight?

Unregistered User
(8/25/03 1:17 pm)
(How do you edit something after you've posted it?)
Let's try that again, shall we?

Not sure why I didn't think of this right away, but how about Grimm's The Moon. It's kind of a bizarre little explanation of why the moon waxes and wanes, but it does involve the dead coming out to play in the moonlight?

chirons daughter
Registered User
(8/25/03 6:14 pm)
I've noticed that it seems anyone can reply to a post, but only the logged-in member can edit. Did you log out between those two posts?

Registered User
(8/25/03 10:07 pm)
Speaking of Moon stories
Is anyone familiar with a fairy tale (I think it may be Russian) of children who have to escape being eaten by the moon?

It's the day of dim and random recollections for me.


Registered User
(8/28/03 12:53 pm)
off topic...
Chiron's daughter, that must be it. Thanks.

Unregistered User
(8/29/03 7:58 am)
The Moon
That's interesting. I only noticed it the past two months, but maybe it's been going on for longer, but during the full moon I suffer from insomnia.

Maybe it's the brightness coming in the bedroom, or maybe it's affecting me physically, I don't really know.

I'm fine on other nights. My husband reckons it's just PMT, but my cycle never coincides with the moon, never been 28 days. :-)

Take care,

Drowning Rapunzel:
Obsession, murder, insanity...

Unregistered User
(8/29/03 9:27 am)
Moon cycles
For myself, I find my creativity growing when the moon is waxing and dropping considerably when it wanes. Likewise, I tend to get more vivid dreams during the waxing moon and peaking at the full moon - sometimes, I get shape-shifting dreams either during the waxing or the full moon.


Niniane Sunyata
Registered User
(9/10/03 11:57 am)
Re: Speaking of Moon stories
I remember that it in childhood, but it was a children's book (possibly a revision of said tale?). It was about two kids (brother and sister I think) who had to hide away from the evil moon and had a series of rather harrowing adventures while trying to find a cure of some sort. My recollection is hazy but I remember that it made quite an impression on me @ the time. Sorry I can't offer more information - just wanted to say *I* would like to know the name of the story too!

Also, with regards to "The Dead Moon", reminds me of Charles de Lint's "The Moon is Drowning While I Sleep".

Registered User
(9/11/03 7:39 pm)
moon stories
In Clarissa Este's Theatre of the Imagination, volume 1,tape two tells the story "The Lost Mother Moon"-it sounds similar to the one with the villagers saving the moon because the moon protects them from the evils in the boglands.

For many years I kept track of my menstrual cycle with the moon phases and I notices that when my moontime coincided with the new moon I was especially clairvoyant and sensitive.

I have been keeping track of my dreams for some time now, and I went over them last night and noticed a definite waxing and waning to their intensity. I am going to keep better track now to see if it coincides with the waxing and waning of the moon.

If I have moonlight coming in my window, not only can't I sleep on a full moon, but I get downright writhingly antsy-like a luna-tic.

I was in the Adirondacks camping last week and the moonlight on the water cast a glow whose silver brilliance stunned us into silence. Watching the moon disappear and reappear from behind clouds brought us all to stillness.

Registered User
(9/19/03 1:22 pm)
Re: moon stories
Speaking of the moon, here's the introductory lines
to a short, Story Rhyme, about
Dreaming and Nightmares.

Those ivory beams, each full-moon night,
That dust the blackest dark with light,
Weave through space and phantom features,
Mystic realms, enchanted creatures.

Though buffed by clouds, then ancient trees,
Ghostly sprites, dancing leaves,
Those silvered shafts survive the fights
As lighting for unhallowed rites.

Unregistered User
(9/28/03 3:49 pm)
The moon wanting to eat the children - I knew I had read that somewhere - or heard of it, or... I finally remembered. In Gerd von Bassewitz "Peterchens Mondfahrt" (translates to: Peter's journey to the moon, roughly) the moon does indeed want to eat Peter and his sister Anneliese. Maybe that was the story you thought of?!

I have a link to Project Gutenberg, but I only found it in German:

One of our classics - and few kids know it today. As I realized, I am only familiar with bits and pieces - well, I'll definitely revisit the story!
Regards, Lotti

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