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Unregistered User
(9/8/03 9:01 am)
Good morning all. I'm looking for essays and articles on the topic of transformation. Suggestions anyone?

Registered User
(9/9/03 1:48 am)
Re: transformation
Is this Carrie Miner, by any chance? If so, could you please email me? I had a computer crash recently and lost my email address book, and I've been trying to reach you!

Unregistered User
(9/9/03 6:23 am)
Not exactly with essays but interesting urls you might want to look at:

Most on shape-shifting and therianthropy.

There is also the good essay by Terri on shape-shifting as well.


Heidi fixed the link.

Edited by: Heidi Anne Heiner at: 9/9/03 9:31 am
Unregistered User
(9/9/03 8:25 am)

The link isn't working!

Many apologies!

Registered User
(9/9/03 8:59 am)
Probably already aware of this ...
Marina Warner's latest book, which I believe is entitled _Metamorphosis_, deals largely with the issue of transformation: it's definitely worth picking up (for her inimitable writing, for her take on the topic, and, not least of all, for her bibliography). Hope this helps!


Unregistered User
(9/9/03 9:29 am)
Hi Helen -- this is what I was looking for.

p.s. Hi Terri. I sent you an email. Now I'm hoping I had the right address. Just in case though -- mine is

Unregistered User
(9/9/03 12:30 pm)
This is a topic that interests me a great deal. I'm not sure if you're looking for something specific, but some of these books may be of interest.

Metamorphosis and Identity - Caroline Walker Bynum
Metamorposis: The Mind in Exile - Harold Skulsky
The Gods Made Flesh: Metamorphosis and the Pursuit of Paganism - Leonard Barkan
Metamorphosis in Greek Myths - P.M.C. Forbes-Irving
Metamorphosis: The Dynamics of Symbolism in European Fairy Tales - Francisco Gentil Vaz Da Silva
Allegories of Writing: The Subject of Metamorphosis - Bruce Clarke
Metamorphosis in Russian Modernism - Peter I. Barta
Metamorphosis in Keats - Barry Gradman

Hope this is of some help.
Rebecca M.

Unregistered User
(9/9/03 1:01 pm)
I'm writing a story on the Grand Canyon and about rafting down the Colorado from Lee's Ferry to Diamond Creek. In addition to historic and narrative themes, I'd like to run a layer about transformation through the piece. Carl Sandburg wrote that the "Every man sees himself in the Grand Canyon." And most accounts of travel through the gorge seem to be about the transformation of self as you continue further and further back into time. This is something I experienced (I just returned from a seven day trip a couple of weeks ago). The first day I felt sad and lost, knowing that there was no turning back. Once you are in -- you don't get back out until you reach the end of your journey. There are no computers, no phones, no deadlines -- in other words I felt small and insignificant. I'm frightened of sleeping on the ground, terrified of bugs, uneasy in open spaces and fearful of things unknown. But as the trip progressed, the river wore away my sharp edges and I began to find myself in the river. By the end of the trip I was truly a river rat -- doing things the boatmen were doing, things the other passengers weren't. I absolutely fell in love with the river. I loved the sound of her rumbling in the night, waking up to starry skies, watching scorpions forage on sandy beaches, listening to the canyon wren's song, sinking in quicksand and stripping away the last restraints of society under crashing waterfalls among rocks draped with moss and red monkey flowers. If I wasn't so old, I think I'd disappear there for a while. For now I'd like to write about it in a way that I can mirror the idea of transformation and how it can apply to a personal experience. In other words, I'm hoping to add a literary edge to travel piece with myth and story. I'm also looking for Native American stories associated with the canyon. I'm aware of Sipapu and the salt caves. I also remember a Paiute story that mentioned the creation of the canyon and have heard that the Mohave have a sacred site in Topock Gorge, where the souls of the deceased cross the river into the spirit world. Anyone know of these things or other tales?


Unregistered User
(9/9/03 8:18 pm)
I don't know if this is what you mean, but there's a book titled Transformation by Robert Johnson. He used Faust, Hamlet, & Don Quixote.

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