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(3/18/04 1:10 pm)
upcoming snow white kung fu movie?
Hey everyone! I was just surfing the net last night and I came across a film that is soon to start production. It is based off of the Snow White story except it is set in japan and going to be an action kung fu movie. There is more info about this movie on more UK sites so Im not sure if it will be released in the USA.

Fight choreographer Yuen Wo Ping who worked on Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon will be choreographing the fight sequences and the story will consist of a girl returning to Japan after her father dies where she meets seven shaolin monks who take her in.

The monks know of the wicked stepmother who supposedly has some sort of powers to control the future. It sounds to me like the matrix or along those lines. What do you all think of this idea? I just thought it would be interesting to hear some of your responses.

(3/18/04 1:13 pm)
Re: upcoming snow white kung fu movie?
Also, I forgot to mention that Walt Disney pictures will be producing it which seems sort of odd, don't you think? I think the working or alternate title is going to be Snow WHite and the seven shaolin monks....

Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(3/18/04 1:58 pm)
Re: upcoming snow white kung fu movie?
Hrm - this sounds like it has the potential to be fascinating, in that "Brotherhood of the Wolf" kind of a way. Thanks for posting it! Any ideas on which actors will be involved?

midori snyder
Registered User
(3/19/04 10:22 am)

Re: upcoming snow white kung fu movie?
Oh this is so up my alley. Thanks for the reference. I have been watching Tsui Hark's "Chinese Ghost Story" films--outrageously bad and wonderful in that awful but can't stopping watch B Movie way. An evil vampire/stepmother/figure who fights with a huge, huge tongue (that sort of uncoils like a python and wraps around a whole house). I can't even begin to explain it.

Richard Parks
Registered User
(3/19/04 10:08 pm)
Chinese Ghost Story
It's even sillier: she's a tree-demon.

I love that series. It's just such surreal fun. Have you seen the animated version?

Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(3/20/04 1:27 am)
Re: Chinese Ghost Story

Richard Parks
Registered User
(3/20/04 10:19 am)
Chinese Ghost Story
Not a whole series, just an animated version that (very approximately) follows the storyline of the first one, also directed by Tsui Hark. Since they had a little more freedom with the animated version, they added a bit, including a subplot rivalry between a Buddhist exorcist and a Daoist ghost hunter, and a living train that carried souls to reincarnation, and the "Void Hammers" that explain why no one remembers past lives -- when you're going through reincarnation one of the hammers bangs you on the head and you forget everything. It's hysterical.

Edited by: Richard Parks at: 3/21/04 12:48 am
Registered User
(3/21/04 10:38 am)
Re: upcoming snow white kung fu movie?
there´s a time i too would have thought it odd that such a thing is a Disney product, but the last Miyazaki animated film (i forget its name) was a Disney co-production, wasn´t it?


Richard Parks
Registered User
(3/22/04 11:04 am)
Re: upcoming snow white kung fu movie?
I don't think so. Disney bought the distribution rights to several Miyazaki films and did the dubbing for one or two of these, but I can't find anything about Disney being involved in any of the production work on either Spirited Away or Howl's Moving Castle, which are the two most recent. With all due respect to Disney, I hope it stays that way.

Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(3/22/04 1:02 pm)
Howl's Moving Castle
Miyazaki's done a movie of Howl's Moving Castle?! Oh, how can I get my hands on a copy?

Heidi Anne Heiner
(3/22/04 2:14 pm)
Re: Howl's Moving Castle
Howl's Moving Castle is in production and scheduled for a November 2004 release date in Japan. Here's more about it on IMDB:

Also, the Snow White movie appears to be somewhat dead in the water. Disney purchased the rights, but that doesn't make a movie. All of the buzz I have found about the movie is from 2002 with an anticipated 2003/4 released date. All of the pre-buzz names associated with it are officially listed as working on different projects with no mention of Snow White. Not to say it won't happen, but it is probably going to be a few more years, if ever, before it reaches movie screens.


(4/1/04 9:14 pm)
Re: Howl's Moving Castle
Actually, I just found a site where it states that the film will be called snow white and the seven and an estimated release date would be april 2005. The site was called videota or something. It could very well be an incorrect or not reliable source but I hope they are right. I think it would draw a larger audience and get more ppl to look back on the stories that they were told as kids.

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