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Registered User
(7/26/04 11:18 am)
adult novels based on grimm's fairy tales?
i was so glad to come across this site. i hope you will be able to help me.

i am a librarian working with a local crafts museum on a project invoving some grimm's tales. the museum will be hosting an exhibition of sculptures based on a grimm tale of the artists' choice. i am developing a program for adults to go along with this. right now i am composing a list of novels for adults that are either directly based on a tale or use the theme or plot in some way. movie suggestions would be helpful as well.

i am thinking about a costume party for adults and children as the culmination of the program to be held around halloween.

i welcome any advice suggestions comments. thanks again.


Erica Carlson
Registered User
(7/26/04 3:08 pm)
Re: adult novels based on grimm's fairy tales?
Dear Barbra,
I asked a very similar question a few months ago, and there is a lot of info. in past discussion strings--you might want to search the site. Also, check out the excellent "A Fairy Tale Reading List" at the Endicott Studio site:
I think you will find a lot of what you're looking for there.
You might want to see the other available reading lists at the Endicott Studio as well--they're a great resource.
All the best,

Terri Windling
Registered User
(7/26/04 4:26 pm)
Re: adult novels based on grimm's fairy tales?
We're just about to update those Endicott lists, so check back next week for some additional titles.

(One new title that I can think of off the top of my head is Louise Murphy's The True Story of Hansel and Gretel.)

Also, can you please tell us more about the sculpture exhibition? We'd be happy to publicize it over on Endicott's Mythic Arts Bulletin Board (

Edited by: Terri Windling at: 7/26/04 4:28 pm
Registered User
(7/27/04 9:31 am)
adult novels based on grimm's fairy tales?
Terri has edited an entire series of such adult novels, of course, of which my own, FITCHER'S BRIDES, is based upon the Grimm's variant, "Fitcher's Bird", of the Bluebeard fairy tale.

(7/27/04 12:07 pm)
adult grimm
yes. your's was the first book i pulled from the shelf!

(7/27/04 12:08 pm)
adult grimm
thank you. these are wonderful sites and quite helpful for my project.

(7/27/04 12:10 pm)
adult grimm
thanks. i have emailed the woman running the exhibition asking if she would like to be on the endicott site. she or i will let you know.

Unregistered User
(7/27/04 10:41 pm)
adult grimm
Please consider having a performance component to your programming. I don't know where you're located, but there are many professional storytellers (like me!)who would be able to do a great fairy tale themed storytelling performance for an adults audience. Since traditional fairy tales are drawn from oral tradition, it would be a pity to leave out oral storytelling. Let me know where you are, and I'd be happy to suggest some tellers or give you a few leads to find someone.

(7/28/04 11:18 am)
adult grimm
interesting idea. i had been thinking about a storyteller for children just to bring in a wider audience. but a storytime for adults is intriguing and had crossed my mind but i wasn't sure i could find someone to do it.

i am in massachusetts, 30 miles or so southwest of boston.

Registered User
(8/3/04 12:52 am)
Re: adult grimm
Do you only want novels? I can think of two story collections -Angela Carter's Bloody Chamber & another by Tanith Lee, both of which draw on well known fairy tales tho I can't swear all of them are Grimm. Also the Bitterbynde trilogy which draws on heaps of eurpoean folkore, may have some Grimm connections.

Registered User
(8/3/04 4:28 am)
Re: adult grimm
And of course there's my BRIAR ROSE, as well as my collection SISTER EMILY'S LIGHTSHIP which includes a number of fairy tale stories.

Jane Yolen

Terri Windling
Registered User
(8/3/04 8:14 am)
Re: adult grimm
There's also a wonderful collection of adult poetry:

The Poets' Grimm: 20th Century Poems from Grimms Fairy Tales, edited by Jeanne Marie Beaumont and Claudia Carlson.

Unregistered User
(8/3/04 9:30 am)
Grimms exhibition at Fuller Craft
Someone had asked for more information about the Grimms Fairytales Revisited exhibition at Fuller Craft Museum. I am the Director of Education for Fuller Craft, would be happy to tell you more about it. You can see an images from the show and a brief synopsis at Click on "exhibitions."

In short, this show was arranged by the Society of Arts and Crafts in Boston. It is a juried show of work created based on Grimms' Fairy Tales, covering many of the lesser know tales such as "The Devil and the Three Golden Hairs", "The Girls Without Hands" and more. One of my favorite pieces is the Peter Thibeault cabinet based on "The Golden Key." The cabinet has something locked away inside which will not be revealed for 25 years. The cabinet, comissioned as a wedding gift, will reside with the couple and the "golden key" will stay with the Society. No one but the artist knows what is inside (and he isn't talking). There are many other works in clay, fiber, glass, metal and wood-- something for everyone!

Grimms Fairy Tales Revisited will be on view at Fuller Craft August 7 - October 24. We are open daily 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Boston is only 30 short minutes north of us.

If you need more info, please visit our website at or email me at

Terri Windling
Registered User
(8/5/04 7:48 am)
Re: Grimms exhibition at Fuller Craft
Thanks for the additional info. I've passed it on to friends in the Boston area, and also posted a notice about the exhibition in the Visual Arts section of the Endicott Studio Bulletin Board.

It sounds like a terrific exhibition.

Unregistered User
(8/13/04 11:45 am)
Has Anyone Mentioned Mirror, Mirror Yet?
Geoffrey McGuire's newest novel (and my favorite to date) is entitled Mirror, Mirror. Inspired by Snow White, it features Lucretia and Caesare Borgia, earth elementals, and plenty of "reflections" (pun intended) upon identity and a personal sense of self.

Registered User
(8/14/04 1:26 am)
Re: Has Anyone Mentioned Mirror, Mirror Yet?
That's Gregory, not Geoffrey.

Registered User
(8/17/04 7:58 pm)
Re: adult grimm
I just remembered the Bitterbynde books have at least one subplot that is Grimm - the tale of the seven brothers who turned into ravens. Not a major thread, but it's there. The books have so many folk references intertwined it's hard to remember them all.

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