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(8/3/04 11:48 am)
Recalling Twins for Rosyelf
This is just a reference back to a "Twins" thread that's now archived...

I'd mentioned a story about identical twin boys born under olive trees, and how they become knights; one of them finds his way to a witch's castle, where she kills him for refusing to marry her, then all but faints away when his brother, whom she takes for his ghost, comes to call. Well, while digging around looking for old passports in the unexplored nooks of my storage room, I found the collection that story was in (and believe me, HURRAH! is far too muted a term for this moment's elation), so I thought I'd post it here.

It's called, simply, "Fairy Tales: Retold by Bridget Hadaway," and it's a collection of beautifully illustrated stories from around the world. There are no introductions to the stories, and my edition is so badly beaten up that I'm missing the back flap, but each story begins with "once upon a time in [insert country]," and the illustrations reflect the locale. So, the story mentioned above is called "The Knights of the Fish." Other neat stories I've never come across anywhere else are "The Snake Prince," "The Firebird," and "Aniello and his Little Speckled Hen."

The collection was first published by Octopus Books, and the edition I have was done by Cathay Books -- I share this in part not to burst from the satisfaction that the copyright page is still attached to the text -- and I can't recommend it without attaching the warning that I'm hopelessly biased, as this may well have been the first fairy tale collection I ever read, but as I'm re-reading it now, it still seems great.

Also, thanks, Rosyelf, for causing me to remember that story!

(edited because it's Bridget Hadaway, not Hathaway)

Edited by: Amal at: 8/3/04 12:08 pm
(8/4/04 6:57 am)
twins and bridget hadaway
Dear Amal,
I've just read your posting. THANKS SO MUCH ! I had not heard of this particular book, and I love discovering little gems, the wonderful twins story notwithstanding. After reading your message, I went to amazon. co. uk and found the book 2nd hand and ordered it-it's coming from the States in about a fortnight. Also, i fully understand your elation at unearthing it-books we had as children seem to have that effect, don't they ? And when I turn the pages and happen upon illustrations I loved once, dreamt about, was terrified by, etc., some of those things flood right back, albeit in a diluted form. Enjoy. Thank you again.

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