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Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(7/2/04 4:25 pm)
Somthing's Gotta Give
Hey Laura--not to mention that Diane Keaton is ten years younger than gross old Jack Nicholson. That really annoys the hell out of me. She's still significantly younger than he is!

Edited by: Veronica Schanoes at: 7/2/04 5:49 pm
Registered User
(7/7/04 8:16 am)
grousing with Disney
Looking back and comparing to now...I have to agree with redtriskell its the sappiness, everpresent machinery of Disney that has always bothered me. I can appreciate the art in Snow White and Sleeping Beauty...but that is as far as my appreciation for the reinvention of the fairy tale by Disney as I can stand.

I enjoyed Belle to the degree that she reminded me of Robin McKinley's Beauty in only slight ways (the scholarship, the large horse...I think that may be it)
I agree you don't see the real sacrifice of the Little Mermaid from Anderson's tale whether or not you agree with the general idea...I had read that tale before watching Disney's movie and can still remember being in the theater horrified at how butchered the beloved tale was...

You will never see a fairy tale chosen by Disney that exemplifies cleverness first and foremost...a fairy tale well-known for a strong heroine being chosen by Disney?? I would be surprised...such affairs seem to be an afterthought with would be films with racial equality and diversity(see Mulan and Pocahontas)...These two films I don't even want to discuss. Certainly the little girls I see wanting to be a Disney princess are first and foremost concerned with appearance (i.e. makeup...dresses etc)...Being a former prissy child...I still took time to admire the few and somewhat laughable female heroines in cartoons when I was younger (Scarlet in GIJoe...Jem in well Jem, She-Ra, and later Sailor Moon imported from Japan)...Out of all those characters who did I pretend to be the most?? Scarlet from GIJoe b/c then I could infiltrate the bad guy's fortress alongside the boys...

I have been reading fairy tales longer than watching Disney films..and I really feel that Disney takes what is best..downplays it...cranks up the musical score and sentimentality ..and truly loses out on the moments of true heroine-isms

sure Disney wants to play up romance between Ariel and the prince..but while I've always hoped that the the little mermaid would gain back her tail...she makes the ultimate sacrifices for love (not shown in Disney)..she loses first her voice (by losing her tongue in a very violent manner)...Disney nullifies this sacrifice by magically transferring her voice back to her at the end...She feels as though every step is upon knives...(the sacrifice of pain..that is horrifying yes and so poignant that I can never forget this imagery in my head) not even mentioned in Disney's film...and of course finally the sacrifice of life...the mermaid looks down on the prince and his new bride..and despite her pain she cannot kill him...knowing that she will die...she lays down her life (see the little mermaid in Disney..getting married, voice intact...sisters with full glorious manes of hair...) even in this the sisters who give up their crowning glory so that their sister will come back...are not pictured..nor is the grandmother in the fairy tale...where is the matron figure in this tale??
She disappeared I think behind Ariel's father and the little crab advisor with the Jamaican accent. Instead we are left with this horrifying image of the only powerful female in the story...the witch who is killed (she is not in the tale)..graphically in the Disney version..some potent sexual symbol..with her tentacles..that must be of course the prince. how sad.

Registered User
(7/14/04 11:12 pm)


Re: Mercedes Lackey's "The Godmother"
WEll Lets see Mickey & Minnie Tended to make them all a happy ending!

Grimm Was as the name says GRIMM

I saw someone give the ways the queen tried to Kill Snow White.

How aobut one version one of her sisters cuts off a portion of her foot to get it to fit into the Glass Slipper.....No Dinsey would NEVER show that

I think that was gets on my nerves the most as I've gotten older....adn I still Love the Diseny movies.....the that HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!! ......While good for children,....even now a days Sadly kids know that ain't ever going to happen!

I guess that The Little Mermaid is the one that ANNOYED me the most...Face it the Mermaid is supposed to die!....It's cute but i really cant watch that one at all!....Its Just WRONG to me!

I wish who ever did that mid 70's animated movie I saw on the telly way back then would come out on was more like colored pencil sketch animation and far more true to story with her becomming that spirit that if does a good job for 100 years will get a soul and be able to go to heaven THAT was a EXCELLENT movie version and I saw it as a younger kid and loved it!

Really after the 3 Aladdin & Beauty and the Beast ones (My Favorite Fairy Tale) I've not cared for much of Disneys least for animated movies.....just don't work for me anymore

and the general art quality LACKS to!.....I like the old degree of finish!


Registered User
(7/17/04 7:16 am)
powerful women in story
First off, please Gypseymuse, could you refrain from so many graphics on your posts? My poor little computer has a hard time digesting them. Not trying to be pushy, so, please? Thank you.
As for tales from the viewpoint of someone other than the traditional heroine, I strongly reccommend Terri Windling and ELllen Datlow's Year's Best series. In almost every edition, there is at least one story or poem of this type. The most memorable to me are a poem by Delia Sherman about Sleeping Beauty's insomnia and a story by Tanith Lee done as a letter from the "evil" stepmother to Cinderella after her marriage to the prince. Creepy and sad and wonderful, as is all of her work. There are also many re-worked versions of fairy tales lurking in those volumes. I can't stress enough how wonderful they are.

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