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Registered User
(5/10/04 11:40 am)
Mythic Journeys Conference

I hope it's okay to be asking this here -- I sort of feel like it's cheating -- but I'm registered for the Mythic Journeys conference in June, and, knowing that some of you are also directing workshops and giving presentations there, I'm wondering if you'd be willing to talk about them, or offer some more information about what you'll be presenting. I'm particularly interested in "Blood, Warrior and Wound," "Alternatives to Catastrophe," "Violence in Fairy Tales," and "Snow White, Blood Red," but if anyone else would like to offer a description of what their intriguing workshop/presentation titles will entail, I'd be grateful.



Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(5/10/04 12:07 pm)
Re: Mythic Journeys Conference
Dear All:

This is slightly tangential to Amal's question (which is a lovely one!) but I was also wondering ... is anyone attending Mythic Journeys looking for a roommate? In the interests of saving space, this seemed like a good place to raise the question. People can e-mail me off-list at Thanks!


Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(5/10/04 8:22 pm)
What it's all about...
Amal and everyone else,

Not only am I a presenter at the Mythic Journeys conference in Atlanta (June 2-6) but as a member of the Leadership Committee I've been privy to a lot of what been going on behind the scenes.

What the conference is really about is trying to start an ongoing conversation between the 'guests', their peers, colleagues, friends and the attendees on the significance of myth to our individual lives and in the contemporary world around us. We wish to avoid the typical conference set up of a single room with one guest lecturing or presenting to a large group of attendees. Instead the event has been structured to allow small groups of cross-disciplinary guests to engage in an on-going conversation on a particular subject that hopefully will continue and grow as people disperse into the bar, another session, or lobby late into the night, throughout the next several days and follow folks back home. The vision of the conference is really quite idealistic Ð we want to change the world one story at a time.

Specifically I'm lending my voice to a very informal 'living room' situation on Friday morning. In one rather large room there will be three groups of artists and writers that will begin conversations accompanied by whichever attendees wish to join in. Alan Lee, Brian Froud, Meinrad Craighead and myself will start a conversation about "Drawing Down the Myth". Terri Windling, Caitlin Matthews, Virginia Lee and William Todd-Jones will discuss "Art and Place". And Jane Yolen, Delia Sherman, Gerald Mcdermott and Charles de Lint will begin a conversation on an as yet-to-be-determined topic on myth in their art.

In another time slot I will also be presenting a slide lecture on my work and those artists that have influenced me over the years. Hopefully whatever audience is there will choose to ask questions and interact as I chat away.

Then, too, there will be regularly scheduled shuttle buses (OK: Magical Mythical Tours!) taking people to the offsite "Ancient Spirit, Modern Voice" exhibition. On these tours we have invited various participating artists (looks like a dozen will be there!) where they will be available to informally answer questions about their work.

I'm glad that you will be joining us for these conversations Ð its going to be quite interesting. The schedule has been posted at


(5/11/04 1:51 am)
mythic journeys
My mouth waters at the thought of this conference-many of the people I admire most in the world gathering together to discuss various things that interest me most. If only Atlanta, Georgia were not an odd 4000 miles away. Sigh.
Best wishes to all the attendees.If you don't have a superb time, I'll eat my hat.

Registered User
(5/11/04 10:17 pm)
Charles --

I'd seen the schedule, but I guess I had the idea that that kind of informal setting was only going to be for the pre-conference part -- since the mask workshop (and, I believe, the one concerning Yeats' Cuhulin cycle) are capped off, I thought there would be some kind of extra signing up involved for the other events. Thanks for setting me straight about the format -- this sounds even better! I've been looking forward to this conference for months, and now that it's so close, I'm trying to plan it out as much as I can in order to miss as little as possible.

I only found out recently about "Ancient Spirit, Modern Voice," and can't wait to see it! It looks wonderful.

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