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Author Comment
midori snyder
Registered User
(9/28/04 6:47 pm)

Endicott: Journal For Mythic Arts, Autumn 2004
Just wanted to let you all know that Terri and I have just gone live with the new
Endicott Journal for Mythic Arts Autumn 2004. Our theme is "Into The Woods" and we have a number of offerings:

Helen Pilinovsky's brilliant discussion of Baba Yaga, Part II (

Terri Windling's reflections on Little Red Hood in "The Path of Needles and Pins" ( along with Terri's usual comprehensive Letter From The Editor--with it's wonderful illustration from Anne Anderson (

In the gallery we have featured the spectacular art of Kinuko Y. Craft (

Veronica Schanoes (who some of you may know from the board) has provided a perfect fall story "How to Bring Someone Back From the Dead" (

There is also fabulous new poetry from Holly Black, Neil Gaiman, Jane Yolen, Theodora Goss and Johnny Clewell

We continue to update the site, adding more art to the older articles and more books to the recommended reading lists in the Scuttlebutt.

Stop by and let us know what you think...and if you are so inclined, have a look at the Endicott Friends page ( and consider becoming a supporter of the site.

Thanks! And enjoy

Edited by: midori snyder at: 9/28/04 6:48 pm

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