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Kimon Brown
Unregistered User
(9/13/04 9:05 am)
Fairy tale book fr4om the 50's 0r 60's
I amm looking to identify a fairy tale book from my childhood. I foud this image on the web and now would like to find the book again.

Please take a moment to help me identify this book.

Unregistered User
(9/13/04 9:25 am)
Found it
Just needed to look around a bit, thanks for looking. Its of course the Golden Book of Fairy Tales. Anyone know of an originalcopy for sale?

Erica Carlson
Registered User
(9/13/04 10:23 am)
Re: Found it
Hmm. By "original copy" do you mean first edition? You can try the used book sites:
I don't know if there are available first ed.s, but you might be able to locate an older or a hardbound copy.

Unregistered User
(9/15/04 1:51 pm)
found it
Thanks for the links, I found and purchased a first edition on ebay. Isn't the internet a great thing!

Terri Windling
Registered User
(9/17/04 11:52 am)
Re: found it
Kimon, we've had a lot of discussions about The Golden Book of Fairy Tales on this board. You can find those discussions in the board archives, usually listed under the name of the book's illustrator, Adrienne Segur.

You can also find a tribute page to Adrienne Segur here:

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