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Unregistered User
(9/9/04 2:11 pm)
New paperback
Some Surlalunists may be interested to know that my book on children's fantasy fiction--Readers in Wonderland: The Liberating Worlds of Fantasy Fiction (Continuum, 2003)--has just come out in paperback, at a much better price than the hardcover. More information is on the Amazon listing. The book surveys books by more than 80 fantasy authors, ranging from the Steig and Sendak sort through Tolkien-Le Guin-Potter-Pullman-Nicholson-etc. But in addition to providing basic stuff for those who don't know the field well, and stuff about some more obscure writers that even some fantasy fans might not know, Readers in Wonderland (I think and hope) provides a lot of opinionated perspective and argument about different books, and about why so many of us devour fantasy fiction--what fantasy is and does, in its different forms.

In case you're wondering, my definition of children's fantasy is simply books where the main characters are young people. There are so many great works out there at different levels, loved by readers of so many different ages, that it would be artificial to use a stricter definition.

If anybody ever gets hold of this book and wants to discuss or argue with anything, I'd love to hear from you; the knowledge and insight of people on this site are mindboggling.

Deborah O'Keefe

Unregistered User
(9/9/04 8:18 pm)
Hey--very sorry. By mistake I clicked on "New Topic" to list my new paperback, instead of "Reply." It was supposed to be an inconspicuous entry in the Forthcoming Publications thread, not an immodest whole new topic screaming for attention.

Registered User
(9/10/04 1:29 am)
Re: p.s.
That's alright, Deborah--those of us who know and love you (and went to school with you) know you are not a screamer -for--attention.

And by the way, this is a good book that should be bedside reading for everyone.


Terri Windling
Registered User
(9/10/04 7:17 am)
Re: p.s.
Deborah, thanks for letting us know about the book. It sounds terrific. I'll definitely go get a copy.

Unregistered User
(9/10/04 7:36 pm)
Jane--As always your generosity is stunning. Thanks for the kind words. And thanks to you too, Terri.

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