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Unregistered User
(9/7/04 7:01 pm)
Retold Tales in Original Settings
Can any of you well-read folk recommend to me any novels by contemporary authors in which a fairy tale is re-imagined in its original setting? (For instance, a prequel, an origin story, or some other alternative retelling.)

I'm familiar with Terri's fine series for Tor in which classic tales are updated and/or relocated to new settings. But I'm looking for books more akin to Gregory Maguire's "Wicked," set in the Oz created by Baum, but with a different spin on events. Ellen Kushner's "Thomas the Rhymer" is another example, although her storyline sticks pretty close to the original ballad (plus gorgeous embellishments).

I'm also more interested in novels written for adults—or at least not specifically for children—but all suggestions are more than welcome!

Thanks so much!


Registered User
(9/7/04 11:22 pm)
Re: Retold Tales in Original Settings
One of my favorites of those sorts of retellings is Juliet Marillier's Sevenwaters Trilogy which begins with "Daughter of the Forest" (a seven-swans re-telling). The next two books continue on with future generations.


Registered User
(9/8/04 1:31 am)
Re: Retold Tales in Original Settings
Both Donna Jo Napoli ("Beast" is my favorite) and Robin McKinley have written a number of wonderful books that would fit under the catagory you're seeking...

Erica Carlson
Registered User
(9/8/04 1:05 pm)
Re: Retold Tales in Original Settings
Check out the endicott studio lists (they're excellent):

And I'm on a Pamela Dean kick right now, so I'll recommend Tam Lin and Juniper, Gentian, and Rosemary. Both have smart young women and modern settings.

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