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Unregistered User
(12/31/04 1:31 am)
Any ideas?
many of you know that I am making musical film versions of the classic fairy tales.

To please evryone, I wouldlike to find out what you would most enjoy seeing in the films. Here is a list of the planned tales:

Snow White
Beauty and the Beast
Briar Rose(Sleeping Beauty)
Little Red Riding Hood
The Red Shoes
Hansel and Gretel
Princess and the Pea
The Dancing Princesses
The Frog Prince

Any suggestions about script, songs, visual style, costumes, sets, characters?

I welcome all coments.

Registered User
(12/31/04 10:19 am)

Re: Any ideas?
A suggestion on costumes - stray as far from Disney as possible. Dress Cinderella in gold, Sleeping Beauty in red, Snow White in white, Beauty (from Beauty and the Beast) in pink, Rapunzel, in green, etc. and try to keep the style of the costumes different from Disney. For instance, if you go with a pink ball gown for Cinderella, don't make Disney's ball gown with pink. Make a completely new, original gown. This would help people know that you aren't Disney and you aren't trying to copy Disney.

Tootles~~If I can't be anything important, would you like to see me do a trick?

Unregistered User
(1/1/05 3:22 am)
Really cool!
So UR saying that it should be a symbol of the story? Well like, Sleeping Beauty represents the red of the rose or Snow White represents the white of her complection?

Don't worry about Disney. I have gone really far away from that territory. The only similarities are the plots and the fact tht they have songs in them. The songs arn't as sweet as the Disney ones though. In Snow White, we have a humorous/scary song that the queen sings called "More Beautiful than Me". It's her bragging about her self and how the mirror must be tricking her.

I can send you the song if you give me your email address.

Unregistered User
(1/1/05 6:22 pm)
Re: Any ideas?
I'm partial to Iron Hans, and Wassilissa the Beautiful.

Registered User
(1/1/05 7:49 pm)

Re: Any ideas?
Right, I was kind of going for that symbolism. But also, no matter how far the plot and songs stray from Disney, if your costumes are the least bit similar, most people will associate it with Disney anyway.

Tootles~~If I can't be anything important, would you like to see me do a trick?

Unregistered User
(1/1/05 11:36 pm)
Well, for Cinderella, we didn't want to have to use the exact same gown on both nights that she goes to the ball, so we have a gold one and then one that looks shockingly like the Disney version.

Unregistered User
(1/2/05 6:30 pm)
How about Donkeyskin?
Always a good one with many, non-Disney issues within it.

As for costumes, there is a wonderful book called the "History of Fashion" with many photographs of dress from the Victoria and Albert museum (going from memory here). It might give you some ideas about how to break away from the traditional "Hollywood" costumes that mimic 16th - 17th C. styles without the proper hair and the right shoes, so that you end up with a mismatched combination of the 1950's and some other period.


Registered User
(1/3/05 9:12 am)
Re: How about Donkeyskin?
If you're thinking about Donkeyskin, you should definitely take a look at Jacques Remy's version, which I believe has now come out on DVD. The colors from the film still stick with me.


Unregistered User
(1/8/05 8:59 pm)
If you are reffering to the version with Catherine Denuve, it is not avalable on DVD. I have been dying to see it, but no one that I know has the video for rent or sale.

Registered User
(1/9/05 9:38 am)
Re: Donkeyskin
My mistake, I should have said Demy (not Remy). Although this site says a DVD is available: , when I clicked on the link it indicated that a VHS version was available. It is currently out of stock with Amazon, but a few copies are apparently available from other sources (according to their site).


Edited by: AliceCEB at: 1/9/05 9:39 am
Unregistered User
(1/9/05 2:13 pm)
I have been wanting to see it for some time. I think Catherine Denuve would make a wonderful princess character.

Is it spoken in French or just made in France, but spoken in English? It's supposidly a musical and it would be odd to see that in French

Registered User
(1/9/05 2:21 pm)
It's in French, but, according to what I've read, the one being distributed has English subtitles.

Unregistered User
(1/9/05 2:24 pm)
I should get this one. I am a huge fan of Coctau's Beauty and the Beast. It seems like it might be in the same vein. I also read somewhere that it's a little bit like MGM's 1950's The Glass Slipper. I liked that one ever since I was a kid.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(1/9/05 4:51 pm)
Re: Wow!
Here's a link to the title on Peau d'Ane. There's currently 3 used copies available for sale on there.

I also have a copy of the movie poster on the Modern Interpretations of Donkeyskin page on SurLaLune.

This film bears very little resemblance to Cocteau's film, so be forewarned. However, it is a cult classic and will hopefully appear on DVD someday soon, especially since Demy and Deneuve's The Young Girls of Rochefort and The Umbrellas of Cherbourg have been released in that format. However, these two films are more popular and have higher critical acclaim, so they were released first.

I keep my feelers out and will announce Donkeyskin on DVD, if and when it ever happens, here on SurLaLune.

Also, don't miss the Jim Henson Storyteller's version of Sapsorrow, a Donkeyskin variant on the Storyteller DVD.


Unregistered User
(1/10/05 5:20 pm)
Thanks for that information.

I am currently waiting for the rest of the Cannon Movie Tales to be released on DVD. Those are my favorite versions of the stories. I am also looking forward to Starmaker 2's Faerie Tale Theatre box set.

Unregistered User
(1/10/05 8:31 pm)
costume ideas
I would really like to see Cinderella as a professional dancer would be an odd twist dont you think?

I would glitter and rich sumptuous costumes. i am a big fan of old musicals with 3 costume chsanges in one number. I would love to see movies like that.

Tell me What kind of costumes and or shoes you plan on adding to the characters. Remember the Clothes Make the Woman.


Unregistered User
(1/11/05 9:53 pm)
Well Ella will be very ugly at first(hidden by the ashes, you see.). After the transformation, she becomes the beautiful person she really is. she first wears a golden dress and then on the second night, a white dress. And of course the glass slippers. Not all of the shoe is glass, though.

Lady Maude(stepmom), Emma and Gemma(Stepsisters) always look beautiful. Gemma wears a lot of purple, Lady Maude wears a lot of blue, and Emma usually wears lots of pink.

I realy have not thought about it carefully though. I have been looking in every storybook I possibly can for insperation.

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