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Registered User
(10/3/05 3:11 pm)
Labyrinth the book. FINALLY!
I happened to stuble across an old arcive of one of your groups threads while trying to answer the eternal question: What is the book that Labyrinth the movie is based on? I dont know if any of you actually care anymore as this was a thread from several years ago. It is in fact based of a book called Labyrinth by A. C. H. Smith. It took me a while to find out but it was well worth it. I cant wait to read it. ALthough I fear that the ending will be the same. The dreamer in me wants her to stay with the king. But c'est la vie. I will just console myself with fanfic. *grin*


Unregistered User
(10/3/05 5:29 pm)
Re: Labyrinth the book. FINALLY!
Actually--you guessed it--whatchagotthere is the paperback movie novelization:
(Y'see, back then, whenever a movie came out...ehh, well, this was probably before your time, young'un.)

The movie itself was an original--I hesitate to say "improvised"--from an attempt to give newly-discovered children's author Terry Jones his own free-range on an original screenplay, although in-house "Fraggle Rock" writer Laura Phillips shared eventual credit...
Coupled with Jim Henson's attempt to mix Maurice Sendak's "Outside Over There" (he always had this "Dark children's stories" urge that he eventually got out of his system with "The Storyteller" and an awfully ruined "The Witches"), some badly-remembered attempts at replicating Lewis Carroll (eg. the utt-bugly mock-Tenniel spin on the Froud designs), and an unhealthy artistic fanboy obsession with Ridley Scott's "Legend" (even went out and hired the same cinematographer) that dogged Jim's career for the rest of his days.

...Which might explain why the end product was such a confused puppy (and left some "Dark Crystal" fans staring jawdropped), but YMMV.

(And if it finally buries this thread after so many years, we can all sleep easier.)

Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(10/3/05 9:53 pm)
Re: Labyrinth the book. FINALLY!
For the curious, you can actually find the novelization online on a particularly dedicated fanpage ....

Queen Mab
Registered User
(10/4/05 11:58 am)
Re: Labyrinth the book. FINALLY!
nova841, I believe I have a link to information that might make you happy. The Henson corporation will be putting out a manga series based on "Labyrinth" in the fall of 2006.

Edited by: Queen Mab at: 10/4/05 12:02 pm

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