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Registered User
(1/22/06 9:00 pm)
My idea for a Snow White novel
Well I've been watching a documentaries and books about Helen of Troy. It said that Mirrors in anciet Greece were made in her honor. Also that in Greek plays Helen is either portrayed as mean and manipulative or sweet and just a tool of the gods. And the closest god to her, Aphrodite had a magic girdle and the apple of Discord that said "For the Fairest" on it. So that got me thinking, that could be the beginning of a snow white story. So here's my idea...

Kari is the only daughter of Adria, the second wife of Menelaus. When she is pregnant with Kari, she wishes that Kari will be fairer than Menelaus' first Helen's daughter Hermione. But in process, she'll be fairer than Helen.

So after years of being in Troy, Helen returns from Troy she sees both girls as young women.

And when Helen returns, she brings a gift from Aphrodite. A magic mirror that will tell her anything truthfully. Soon the marriage of Hermione and Prince Orestes. And a great gala that the land has never seen before is planned. But Kari unitentionally upstages noth Hermione and Helen. And when her mirror says that Kari is fairest, the young girl's fate to be sealed deep within the foest. Yet, in the darkest of places, salvation can be found in unlikely places. Like the home of seven vagabonds. Can Kari be safe from the Wicked Queen?

What do you think of the premise?

Unregistered User
(1/22/06 9:13 pm)
Very cool
I had thought of that before. The whole Apple thing too. I think it's a very inventive idea. Please do go ahead with it and bring back any more ideas or concerns

Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(1/23/06 1:50 am)
Gold Tree and Silver Tree
I don't know if you want suggestions, but depending on how Hermione feels about all this, there's a version of Snow White where two girls become allies against the evil queen. It's an English tale, perhaps in Jacobs.

Registered User
(1/23/06 4:38 pm)
Re: Silver Tree and Gold Tree, and Greek Snow White.
Hermione and Kari don't exactly see eye to eye. Hermione resents that fact that Kari's mother (for however short a time it was) raised her. Though she raised Hermione too, but it wasn't the same.

Kari doesn't like that she is Hermione's "second" To be always compared to her and Helen.

And I was thinking that at first Kari would have feelings for Neoptolemus but just until he dies. Then I will have Telemachus (who comes for the wedding of Hermione and Orestes) be her "Prince Charming."

And about the three times Helen will try to kill her:

The first time she'll search through her clothes and find the prettiest bodice she owns and tries to kill her.

Then she'll get her most beautiful comb and dipp it in poisin.

Then the Apple of Discord. But I had an idea for her waking up, but I thought ut maybe sappy.

Unregistered User
(1/24/06 10:11 pm)
very good
what I really like about your version is that you are mixing it in with Helen of troy, yet keeping the basic story. I'm very glad you did that. Sometimes, others get so into the backstory that they forget what it is really about.

Are you going to have the dwarves?

Registered User
(1/25/06 4:44 pm)
Re:very good
At first I thought that I'd do that. But then I remembered that some versions had seven thieves. So I made them Vagabonds. Making them go into villages to find work.

Kari will stumble into to the cottage and goes unconscious. She wakes up to see them looking down at her. She tells them her situation and they strike a deal. Kari will cook, clean and tend to their vegetable garden, and they will protect her from Helen.

And I was thinking. I wanted Kari to be woken up by a kiss. I thought its more romantic than her being woken up by Telemachus' servants putting her coffin on their shoulders, stumble over a tree-stump. So Aphrodite will go to her body after she's eaten the apple. She promises that she will help her wake up. But must wait a while until Helen's mind has moved on to other things. Kari will not age in the months that will pass (around two or three). And she will be awoken by love's kiss. By Telemachus.

Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(1/25/06 4:56 pm)
poor girl
...being woken up by Telemachus. He's such a whiner! Not a patch on his god-like father, as Homer might say.

Unregistered User
(1/25/06 8:13 pm)
very cool
I must say that that is wonderful. I've never been a fan of the kiss myself, since it never came off as particularly romantic to me. Le's face it, she knows nothing about this man and he knows nothing about her. How impersonal, even Cinderella's prince probably learned a thing or two while talking to her at the ball.

I do hope you keep Helen's fate with the red shoes, just so brutal and fitting for such a horrible crime, in my opinion.

Registered User
(1/26/06 5:24 pm)
Re: Very Cool
I'm not as familiar with The Iliad or The Odyssey as I used to be. But when I read Ithaka by Adèle Geras I thought he'd be a great choice. And I wanted to help him redeem his whinyess.

When I looked back at Snow White, the whole "Marrying a complete stranger because he woke you up was a problem for me. Atleast in the Disney movie she gets to met him first.

Telemachus and Kari will get to know each other when they meet at the celebration of Hermione's engagement. He gives Kari her first true kiss.

As for Helen and the iron shoes. I don't think it would fit in with the mythology. She lives a happy life Menalaus.

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