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Fiyero Oberon
Registered User
(6/8/06 12:45 pm)
Snow White?
Not a very specific title, I know, but I couldn't think of anything else...

I've been working for a while on writing a Snow White novel. I don't know everything in great, full detail (who ever does?) but I have some general ideas. I'm planning on revolving the novel around the colors black, white, and red - aside from the lead character, other things will incorporate these colors. The three lead women (Snow White, the mother, and the cook) will have these hair colors (black, red, and white, respectively). The bodice, comb, and apple are each black, white, and red, respectively. One way or another I plan on having the dwarves tie into these colors, and so on. Green will also play an important role in this novel, as it reveals to the reader that Snow White's father is not actually her biological father (the mother's lover, the hunter, has green eyes and Snow White's father will have brown).

The reason I am posting is a rather flimsy one - I can't find suitable names for Snow White and the mother. I had always intended to name Snow White Bianca if I ever got around to writing a Snow White story, but Gregory Maguire used that name and now I don't want to use it in case this is ever published. I've thought of the names Madeline and Jacqueline, but due to the centralization of black, white, and red in my novel I feel the need to keep Snow White's name based on "white." Blanche and Blanchette just aren't doing it for me. The father figure, I have decided, will nickname her "Snowdrop," but just the same she needs a given name, a birth name. The same goes with the mother - I don't feel quite as compelled to keep her name centralized around the color red, but I still can't find a name that feels right... "Narcissa" would work brilliantly, but it keeps reminding me too much of Draco Malfoy's mother...

If anyone has ideas on how I could tie in the dwarves to the three colors, that would also be greatly appreciated.

Edited by: Fiyero Oberon at: 6/8/06 12:46 pm
Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(6/8/06 3:28 pm)
Re: Snow White?
Eh, Tanith Lee used "Bianca" before Maguire ever did. Go with Bianca if you want to. It's a pretty popular Snow White name, for obvious reasons.

Registered User
(6/8/06 5:35 pm)
Re: Snow White?
Some different ideas for Snow White:

Gwen (Celtic) - white, fair, blessed
Galatae (Greek) - milk-white
Genevieve (French) - white wave
Guinevere (Welsh) - white, fair, blessed
Alba (Latin) - white hill
Fionnula (Irish) - white shoulder
Zhara (Arabic) - white; flower

and there's always Lily, Ivory & Pearl.

Not sure any of these will fit your story but they may jump start you in other more useful directions. Good luck.

Registered User
(6/9/06 7:26 am)
Go here.
I reccommend My story has two Snow White stories as a kind of overlay(isn't Snow White great?), and I found namenerds to be very useful.

Registered User
(6/10/06 7:46 am)
I thought namenerds had more, but they only have Irish and Scottish names. My bad.

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