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Unregistered User
(6/1/06 11:43 am)
There is no flying without wings.
hi. I am trying to start a graduation speech and I was thinking of using the theme of flying.

I don't know exactly how I am going to use it and it is just a general tie in but I figured I would ask all of you to give me some info or fairy tales, stories, quotes that would work. Flying......

Of course a graduation speech would include the ever cliched we grew developed et cetera but our requirement wants us to put a new spin on it. We have to also have chiasmi (SP) and other sorts of rhetorical devices...etc.

Anyway. This is done by a class of juniors so that the speech can be ruminated on before May of next year... so it would be a year in the making but hte draft of the speech is our final project for AP Language.

thank you

Registered User
(6/1/06 12:41 pm)
Re: There is no flying without wings.
Flying... Well some djinni fly on their own power and some take on the shape of winged creatures. Witches seem to require an object to fly upon, such as a broom, or a mortar and pestle for Baba Yaga. Fairies fly with wings, although not all fairies can fly. Ghosts and wraiths appear to fly, but they tend to be location-bound. Non-flying creatures, such as horses, cats and pigs can fly if they are given wings--but then they are clearly magical by nature. The wind, of course flies every which way, and can transport people, if they ask nicely. And of course birds fly--and many are crucial in tales.

There are flying objects, such as carpets. And seven league boots don't actually make you fly, but each step makes it feel as if you had. There are ships that may be made to fly, and perhaps fairy dust to help humans fly without any other aid.

It's a fun basis for a graduation piece. Are you looking for tales for each of these tropes?


Unregistered User
(6/1/06 6:31 pm)
so here is my idea at the moment

In our developement from young child to adult we start to make our wings or are given them (havent decided0

So we are given the means to make our wings and so we do. by our parents and mentors who help us learn the craft

pushed out of the nest and into the world we are poised for our first flight

and from that wether we succeed and fly higher and higher we have those who have taught us to fly who have helped us create our wings

if ever we falter and if ever we plummet from the freedom of the skies it is becasue we have not strengthened that which holds us up. Our relationships or our beleifs or whatever makes the indiviual like learning

we always have to mend our wings and be careful for if we fly to close to the sun we may fall like Icarus in the famous tragedy we must guard our faults like pride and greed carefully

that's what i have so far

but is there any story in which one is given a apir fo wings or to that extent?


Registered User
(6/2/06 2:09 pm)
Re: wings
Well not fairy tales but in the Perseus myth doesn't he gain the ability to fly from the goddesses by wearing Hermes' sandals? This is much more beneficial than Daedalus' gift to his son.

evil little pixie
Registered User
(6/11/06 8:42 pm)
I strongly recommend Gregory J. Holch's wonderful children's novel _The Things with Wings_. In addition to having cool characters and a totally fun plot, it's a marvelous book that links growing up with flying and that makes many references to mythology, folklore, philosophy, history, literature, science, etc. Have fun, and good luck with your speech!

Unregistered User
(6/13/06 5:31 am)
I hope that you have a great graduation day, in UK we don't give speeches when we graduate.
In fairytale the act of flying is by magic, the aquisition of wings is not necissarily literal. The flight might just as well be in the mind, the imagination being given wings allowing the individual to soar up into the realms of knowledge. The idea here might be that you are free in your mind to take flight and let inspiration take you to ever higher levels of creation.
Good luck go with you

Unregistered User
(6/15/06 8:56 am)
flying is a common theme in fairy tales, but not so often in the american super hero sense ...

in the east, magic carpets, that often fly are common
in the european tradition, as mentioned broomsticks for witches, but magical transformations are more common, eg to fly, turn into a bird temporarily!! .. this is in itslef an interesting concept but i'll not go on about that right now!!

red riding hood

Registered User
(6/22/06 5:36 pm)
Re: There is no flying without wings.
i really do like the speech you've got so far, and i think i might have something that you could use. what about like a metamorphisis? like we start out as little eggs, and grow into larvae, caterpillars, etc. then we finally coccoon ourselves and grow beautiful wings, a symbol of our maturity and readiness to start our own life. now we can fly and explore the world, not just our little cranny.

good luck with your speech!

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