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Unregistered User
(10/28/02 7:20:08 am)
Top 5 folk/fairy collections?
I'm supporting my upcoming Sound & Spirit radio program on "The Lord of the Rings" with a pretty hefty page on "What to Read Once You've Read Tolkien" - i.e., what's out there as "fantasy" that's not crap?

No problems naming my favorites there; I've read plenty of novels, and hit the classics.

But then I surfed SurLaLune, saw Heidi's fine quotes page, got ambitious for The Cause, and added the following:

"J.R.R. Tolkien was also a great champion of Fairy Tales - his essay"On Faery Stories" should be required reading for all parents and educators! What we call "fairy tales" are part of the rich folklore of Western Europe. To satisfy the need for well-told fantasy tales, you could do worse than to go to collections like:

* Italo Calvino, Italian Folktales

To read what Tolkien's friends C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, and others, said about fairy tales, click here: www.surlalunefairytales.c...tes.html

*You see the problem? I'm not up on the latest collections; my library and brain pretty scattered . . . I know Jane has many fine ones, and there's that whole Pantheon series . . . may I be lazy and invite you experts to name a few (3-5) that you would recommend to a general audience?

With thanks,

La Reine Noire
Registered User
(10/28/02 8:01:36 am)
Were you looking for collections in the sense of translated faery tales or retold ones? If you're looking for the former, I'd say the Jack Zipes translation of the Brothers Grimm, among others. I'm not the best person to talk about those.

As far as retellings go, any of the Datlow/Windling anthology series ("Silver Birch, Blood Moon," etc). Also, I'm personally very fond of Tanith Lee's "Red as Blood."


Registered User
(10/28/02 8:11:35 am)
So many titles, so little space ...
Dear Ellen:

I think that there's a discussion in the archives on a similar topic, under a title with the words "Desert Island" (as in, what would you take to a . . .) but I like reconsidering these questions every so often. So, here goes (though, I already know that I'm going to go over the limit) . . .

1.) Maria Tatar's _The Classic Fairy Tales_, though _The Classic Annotated Fairy Tales_ is closing in fast.
2.) _The Classic Fairy Tales_ by Iona and Peter Opie.
3.) Jack Zipes' _The Great Fairy Tale Tradition: From Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm_.
4.) The Colored Fairy Books, which, for all intents and purposes, should count as a single (body of) work.
5.) I love the original Russian tales of Afanasyev, but the Guterman translation is somewhat inadequate ... I'll keep an eye out for a better version.
6.) _The Arabian Nights_ translated by Haddawy.
7.) _Victorian Fairy Tales: The revolt of the Fairies and Elves_, ed. Jack Zipes.
8.) The Victorian Fairy Tale Book_, ed. Michael Patrcik Hearn.
9.) The aformentioned Calvino.
10.) And, though I know that it's not a book of tales pers se, Marina Warner's _From the Beast to the Blonde_ ... just because I can never keep her off of my favorites lists.

Hope this helps!


Unregistered User
(10/28/02 1:17:12 pm)
I was told by an English storyteller that my FAVORITE FOLKTALES FROM AROUND THE WORLD (which is, in fact, part of the Pantheon series) helped fuel the storytelling revival in England.


Registered User
(10/28/02 1:21:30 pm)
Library posts and HMCo...
Here are all of the posts I could find:






I also have a document that includes websites, periodicals, book titles (mentioned in the books for small research library topic), samples of websites, etc. that I compiled to give to the HMCo School Division Research Librarian for reference (editors were researching fairy tales). Let me know if you want me to email it.

BTW, have you had any further contact with Clay? Unfortunately, Trade Division didn't get back to me after the initial emails back in July/August. They might have a recommendation list in the teacher guides or handouts for book displays.

Forest frosts,


Unregistered User
(10/28/02 3:01:43 pm)
got it...
Thank you!

I'm looking specifically for collections of source materials, rather than modern retellings....Many people who've read Tolkien and consider themselves fantasy fans might not even know where to go for a good old-fashioned traditional tale or two, and I'd like to help!

Yeah, I had a feeling there would be older posts with such lists already on them.... I'll take a look there.

As with everything from "Sound & Spirit," it's a personal list, rather than a scholarly - or even a consensus-driven! - one.


Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(10/28/02 3:58:48 pm)
Re: got it...

I wonder if you'd want to include _Beauty and the Beast and Other Classic French Fairy Tales_, edited and with an introduction by Jack Zipes. These aren't source material in the sense of original folk tales taken down, but the tales of the French salons - Perrault, D'Aulnoy etc. It includes, however, many of what people think of when they think 'fairy tale,' partially because of Disney. Of course, the ones written by the French salon writers are quite different from Disney's versions.

Besides other titles already mentioned, I happen to really enjoy Katherine Briggs's _British Fairy Tales_ and _Encyclopedia of Fairies_, as well as Yeats's _Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland_ , Lady Gregory's _Irish Myths and Legends_ and _The Mabinogian_.

Laura Mc

Edited by: Laura McCaffrey at: 10/28/02 4:04:24 pm
Unregistered User
(10/28/02 5:35:57 pm)
re. re.: got it...
Thanks, Laura. I don't mean to be dogmatic about "source" materials: d'Aulnoy et al count for my purposes.

And of course we must all do our part to ransom them back from Disney, "speedily, speedily in our day" as we say of the Prophet Elijah at Passover ....

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(10/29/02 5:29:08 am)
For what it's worth, Ellen, I didn't translate or retell the stories in FAVORITE FAIRYTALES but got them from sources.


Unregistered User
(10/29/02 6:45:53 am)
re. Library posts and HMCo...
Bless you, Kerrie! Those archived conversations are fascinating - and most useful. And of course everyone loves Jane's collection! (See you soon at WFC, Jane.)

Unregistered User
(11/8/02 11:06:37 am)
up on SOUND & SPIRIT site!
OK, it's up - with a BIG thankyou (and links) to SurLaLune!


Unregistered User
(11/15/02 7:58:52 pm)
fantasy lists
Hi Ellen,
I was wondering to you have a fantasy list compiled for elementary age children?

Unregistered User
(11/24/02 4:12:53 pm)
re: fantasy lists
Lara, I'm afraid I'm the one who goes around asking *other* people for their lists...!

Anyone else on SurLaLune able to help out here? It seems to me that such lists have been posted in the past.

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