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Illustrations by Hermann Vogel

Hermann Vogel

Below are links to the fairy tale illustrations of Hermann Vogel. Click on the image to visit the page featuring all of the illustrations for each tale.

Cinderella by Hermann Vogel

Snow White and Rose Red by Hermann Vogel
Snow White and Rose Red

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Hermann Vogel
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Titles of some books illustrated by
Hermann Vogel:

Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. Kinder und Hausmarchen. Hermann Vogel, illustrator. Munich: Braun and Schneider, 1894.


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Picture This : How Pictures Work by Molly Bang

A Treasury of the Great Children's Book Illustrators by Susan E. Meyer

Myth, Magic, and Mystery : One Hundred Years of American Children's Book by Michael Patrick Hearn

Maxfield Parrish and the Illustrators of the Golden Age by Margaret E. Wagner


©Heidi Anne Heiner, SurLaLune Fairy Tales
Page created 4/99; Last updated 10/10/07